How Is Hamlet Sane Or Insane

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In the play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, the main character Hamlet experiences many different and puzzling emotions. From contemplating suicide to being motivated to kill Claudius to avenging his father’s death. A common question that’s asked about Hamlet is whether or not he’s sane or insane. Although the answer could go either way, there’s only one thing going on in his mind, and that’s revenge. The three points that prove Hamlet’s sanity are, the conversation he had with Horatio in the beginning, the wittiness he has in dealing with other characters, and his most famous soliloquy.
After talking to the ghost of his father, Hamlet, comes back to Horatio and Marcellus demanding them not to speak of their encounter with the ghost of his father. Both are frightened by the event and agree to the prince’s demand but both are curious about what had happened between the ghost and him. Later that day, Hamlet pulled Horatio to the side and explains to him “how strange or odd some’er I bear myself”(1.5.190). Hamlet basically says that he’s going to put on an act and he doesn't want Horatio to ask any questions or tell anyone. This proves that he knew what he was doing and .was sane the whole time. It shows that he’s willing to …show more content…

If he was really insane would they plan out an elaborate scheme to let Claudius know that he knows that he killed his father just so he could gain the throne. Most people going insane or already are don’t have a knack or have the mind for that type of thing, but he does. He was able to let Claudius know without even saying one single work to him. He knew everything that was going on and he had players act it out for Claudius and told them their jobs for each character. Hamlet even knows that his good friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, spy on him for the King. If Hamlet was insane how would he recognize that his friends are turning on

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