How Has Religion Changed My Life

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The modern world today is very different than it was 2000 years ago when the catholic faith was founded. The world has progressed in almost every aspect of life from improving our living conditions and health to the way we communicate and travel it is truly amazing. One area that has not changed as dramatically in the past 2000 years as everything else is Catholic ideas and morals. These ideas and morals have shaped the world and history itself. The ideas of one God and basic morals and ethics can go back even farther to Abraham and the Ten Commandments much earlier. The ideas of helping the poor, teaching others about your faith, and thanking God for everything are ideas that have been practiced since the formation of the Ten Commandments …show more content…

One of these terms in particular is to thank or celebrate God and all that he has done for us. Celebrate is a very influential and important part of my life and has influence and impacts every decision I have ever made. I was born into the Roman Catholic faith. The Catholic church has been there by my side since day one. My parents are very religious and since the first day I was born they have been teaching me about the faith and answering any questions that I may ever have. I usually accredit my parents for my theology grade because I usually learn everything at home before it is taught to me in school which makes Theology for me less of a challenge. I have gone to church every sunday and many weekdays for as long as I can remember. The celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the participation in mass have always been a part of my life. When I was younger I did not understand the true meaning of everything that happened so I did not give my undivided attention at all times. It was not until i saw the movie the passion that I realized the sacrifice that Jesus the son of God made for us and I knew from that day on that I should care more about the mass and my faith as a whole. The celebration of the mass to me is

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