How Godinez Helped Me

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I am going to be honest Godinez has really helped me become a better student and a better person as well. My four years in High School where a roller coaster of emotions and tradeges. But I also have experienced many wonderful moments. I have grown so much with the help of teachers and staff that really care. I can look back to my freshman year and look at myself know I would not recognize myself. I had many problem and yes half was the decisions I made but one thing I learned from Mrs. Morgan is that you have to turn the other chick and just learn from your mistakes and keep pushing. I can't really call my 12 English class hard but it has really teached me that no one will get me to where I want to be but myself. English has alway been a little hard for me. But Mrs. Pruden has gotten me to be on top of my things. I really thank her for that. I had to get my work done because it was not an okay you did not complete it was a okay you're going to do it one way or the other. And that was one of the things that really helped me be on top of my things. And a skill I have adapted to my daily …show more content…

I really don't have words to describe how thankful I am for them helping me out through my four years. Mrs. Morgan has really guided me through life when I had it very ruff. She has really moulted me into the young women I am today. They really are a truth blessing in my life. Also I can't forget about Mrs. Castro man this woman has really pushed me to the max. Even when I had throw the towl she would pick it up and make me try again. She was the one that I promised that I was going to graduate from Godinez no matter what and I am not that far. I have really had many amazing relationships with other wonderful staff I could I would mention them all but that would take my whole essay. But all I have to say is that Godinez is full of wonderful staff and I am very honored to have encountered with many of

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