How Does The Party Survive In The Novel 1984

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Do you believe a society based on hate can survive? In the novel 1984, this is all the society is based on. Winston explains to O’Brien that the party has too much power. In his diary, he writes, “I understand How: I do not understand Why,” he doesn’t understand why the party has power. But he knows why. He knows that because, the party controls everything. From how they speak to even the way the people eat. O’Brien explains that, “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are only interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. (pg. 272)” The people of the party don’t care about the good or bad, you put into their society. They only care about the power they have, to control you and every move you make. When you commit a crime against them, only do they go after you. The party doesn’t like when you go against them. …show more content…

When they have this control, they feel confident. The people in the party have all the power they want. They get special treatment and have things the proles don’t. Julia explains this when she brought coffee, milk, and artificial sugar. “Real sugar. Not saccharine sugar. And here’s a loaf of bread- proper white bread, not our bloody stuff- and a little pot of jam. And here’s a tin of milk- but look…, ( pg 140)” Julia tells Winston that the inner party has all the real stuff. The party does not get generic types of foods and drinks. The proles get the opposite. They don’t have real meat. This is a prime example of how the party has all the power. The inner party controls the society from the way people think, to how they eat, sleep and

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