1984 Paradox In 1984

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In 1984 by George Orwell, the world is described as a desolate, bleak result of humanity where the land is governed by a totalitarian regime who rules the hindering the societal progress. The face of Oceania is Big Brother, an omniscient figure who is widely worshiped by its people. The Inner Party enforces a new language known as Newspeak that prevents anyone from committing political rebellion. The control that this Party has over the entire population unveils the theme of the novel, that intimidation by a higher up can lead to psychological manipulation. There are several paradoxes within the text that reveal this theme to be true due to the party’s way with words. A paradox is something that contradicts reason or expectation and Orwell …show more content…

Their daily “Two Minutes of Hate” is how each individual falls onto the Party’s brainwashing bandwagon. This is a clever way the party seeks control over people, but more importantly, their minds. Reassociating words to differing meanings keeps the masses where the party wants them to be mentally. In other words, it keeps the citizens obedient and too distracted to focus on their actual living conditions. Not only that, it also makes it less likely for anyone to rebel against the Big Brother. “It is precisely in the Inner Party that war hysteria and hatred of the enemy is the strongest." Without that drive of outside hatred, people of Oceania would direct their hateful attitudes toward their real enemies: The Inner Party. Constant fear of propaganda keeps the masses at their toes with strong devotion to Big Brother and everything the Party stands for. The slogan is also true in the sense of keeping society together through the means of stopping progress. “It eats up the surplus of consumable goods, and it helps to preserve the special mental atmosphere that a hierarchical society needs. War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair.” Because war requires so many resources, the products that are manufactured using the arduous labor of Oceania’s population are expended. This cycle of continuous war ultimately makes the people languid, too tired to rise up …show more content…

“Ignorance is strength” is true considering the fact that the party is outnumbered by the rest of the population, especially the proles. The proles have the least amount of knowledge as to what is actually going on in their world, which is why the Party easily gets away with all of their manipulative tactics. Since the proles are disregarded from society, but more notably, are unbothered by the Party, they have no desire to rebel against the strict hierarchical structure imposed by Big Brother. The Party makes their own reality by holding the power to alter the past in whatever way they please and the people do not have the mindset to object. “But by far the more important reason for the readjustment of the past is the need to safeguard the infallibility of the Party." This explains why manipulation is crucial for the Party to stay in absolute power. They want the masses to believe what they are told in spite of what they might think otherwise. Doublethink is the most effective way the party manipulates their people to avoid free thinking. Doublehink is a practice that keeps individuals free of their own thoughts. This is how the Party gets away with all the lying they do in the Ministry of Truth. Through the propagandas and the Ministry of Truth, the Party also define what is true and what is false. O’Brien once said to Winston, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present

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