How Does The Party Manipulate Human Power In 1984

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Essay In 1984 as in many other dystopian novels, the ruling powers must take into account the inherent tendencies of human nature as they formulate a strategy for social control. In 1984 the ruling elite (The Inner Party) channels human nature to their own advantages through various methods and organizations. These methods/organizations are known as Doublethink, the Spies, constant warfare, Thought Police, forgery of documents (the past), 2 minutes of hate, etc. The Party overall is dependent on collective power without it the Party cannot survive. As a result, the Party manipulates human nature/instincts in order to acquire absolute power and to control the population. However, in order to have complete control over the population the Party …show more content…

This is where the Spies come in. The Spies is an organization created by the Party which main purpose is to destroy the bonds between parents and children. The way they do this is by inducting children at a very young age in the organization teaching them and influencing how to monitor parents on a constant basis and adore the Party and Big Brother. The Spies encourages children to denounce their parents to the Thought Police becoming a “child hero” as state on pg 25 in the first paragraph. At the same time, they influence the children to grow up with undeniable love for the Party and Big Brother. Through this method they are able to eliminate the bonds between parent and child, having the child monitor the parent 24/7 for any unusual behaviors or remarks under constant fear. Another way the Party channels human nature and eliminates individualism is through the use of doublethink. Doublethink is the act of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously accepting both them as stated on pg 36 first and second paragraph. Doublethink was used on a daily basis in the Party. The purpose of doublethink is to reject truth (rationality) and accept nothing but the Party’s rule. This is where forgery of document and altering(destruction) of past come …show more content…

Some examples of this would be the poor living conditions citizens must endure, poor food, prohibition of sexual desire and long hours worked. Due to the constant altercations of the past citizens believe that life before the revolution was horrible and are thankful for the new life the Party has given them. The Party does this because as long as the citizens think they are happy the is no chance of rebellion. The Party also channels emotions through the daily practice known as two minutes of hate. In this exercise, the citizens sit in a room and watch a video depicting the Party’s enemies and Big Brother. The purpose of this is for the citizens to lash out all their anger at the enemies of the Party and worship Big Brother. Through this exercise the citizen is reminded on a daily basis that they must forever hate the enemies (Eurasian/Eastasian armies and Goldstein) and adore Big Brother. Another way the Party channels human nature to its own advantages is through use of constant warfare. The main purpose of constant warfare is to exhaust physical labor and materials for a patriotic cause while controlling the population through propaganda. Without constant warfare Oceania would have a surplus of supplies. This will cause citizens to be and find no need for Big Brother. Eventually causing citizens to

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