How Does Technology Affect Human Contact

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My Opinion to this Prompt is that Technology has made a positive impact on human contact. Many think due to technology that we had limited our human contact with each other. Technology has shown the advantages of how human contact made a huge difference in the way we talk, learn, and play with each other through video games. Showing you that having technology making things easier than it really is. There are many reason why technology hasn't made our contact limited. Technology has made us build up our interaction towards a possible future and an interaction with other countries. Showing you what we were to do if we didn't have the type of technology we have today. Information with each other would've been slower. It would've been more death than it is today because of lack of communication. People being …show more content…

Having technology has saved many people and children lives by having a cell phone and interacting with their parents. Being able to video chat loved ones who's is at war or across the world wanting to say "hi" to their grandparents who hadn't seen you in a while. Having technology bring s a huge advantage when it comes to catching up on work in a place or school. It helps children who's mentally and physically challenge: struggling to learn, write, talk , or maybe read. Bringing the rising of learning percentage form the teacher to the students in the same classroom majoring in computer science, being able to get into space learning about our planets because we had the technology and interacted with each to make it possible. Many technological advances increase contact made a progressive increase in human live by creating opportunities in our path as humans. Jobs became more helpful when it came to your technology, calling or your boss calling you, letting you know there's a schedule meeting then you would know. Technology really made lives more together than apart from each other. Making more of technology would increase human contact

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