How Does Okonkwo In Things Fall Apart

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Okonkwo is the leader of Umuofia and he has the highest title in the clan people in

the village described him as “tall and huge he had bushy eyebrows and a wide nose”. He gets

angry very quickly and he has a bad temper, he does not like to show affection because he feels

that it is feminine. He is a warrior that shows no fear or weakness. He has three wives and eight

children and he shows no emotions or affections toward them. His mean temper and personality

formed from Unoka which is Okonkwo’s father because he always thought his father was a weak

coward and Okonkwo wanted to be tougher and better than him. Okonkwo has a son who is

twelve years old and his name is Nwoye and Okonkwo thinks that he is very lazy and he is


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