How Does Morgan Spurlock Use Ethos In Supersize Me

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When people consume supersized fast food meals, is the food to blame when they themselves become supersized? Morgan Spurlock takes on the challenge of eating only McDonald's every day, three times a day, for thirty days straight to see how these meals affects the physique and general health of a human body. The Film Supersize Me uses logos, pathos, and ethos to effectively persuade the audience that eating fast foods, namely McDonald's, has horrible side effects.

McDonald's is one of the most popular fast food restaurant across the country with some of the most sugar and calorie packed foods. In America that spells trouble since the smaller sized items tend to be the largest sizes in other counties across the globe. When a group of children were shown images of historical and religious figures, a majority of them were unable to recognize them; but when shown an image of Ronald McDonald, the children could automatically tell who he is and what he does. There seems to be no end in sight for what is becoming a continental issue.

No matter how hard a person tries, they cannot ignore facts. Throughout this film, Spurlock makes sure he keeps in contact with multiple doctors and specialists such as a general doctor, a cardiologist, an exercise physiologist, gastroenterologist/hepatologist,
Even though on his own he may have been able to get his point across of how fast food can destroy a body, he still consults with all types of doctors and specialist. Spurlock even goes out to schools and the streets to interview random people to help his believability on the subject matter.

McDonald's is one of the multiple fast food restaurants that serve greasy and oversized meals that are harmful to the human body. Throughout a thirty day McDonald's only diet, Spurlock surrounds himself with logos, ethos, and pathos to impact the viewer's opinion on the true cost of eating fast food

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