Fast Food Abuse Essay

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Abuse from Fast Food Children today are suffering from both verbal and physical abuse, but a form of child abuse that is being overlooked is feeding children fast food on a regular basis. The leading cause of obesity in America is bad nutrition, and part of the cause of bad nutrition is the fast food industry. People do not realize how bad fast food actually is for the body, it creates bad habits for children by allowing them to think putting poison in their body is okay. Continually feeding fast food to children is abuse because of the sugar intake, weight gain and mental problems the fast food brings. McDonalds is one of the world’s largest fast food chains, feeding many people for low prices. What people don’t understand is what is actually …show more content…

stat 8-201). If you look up the definition of disfigurement, it says, “the action of spoiling the appearance of something or someone” (Merriam-Webster, n.d). When talking about child abuse and fast food, the question becomes, does fast food cause disfigurement and is obesity considered disfigurement? Yes, child obesity does cause disfigurement along with many other issues such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and substantial morbidity. At Harvard university they have done studies of fast food and have come to the conclusion that, “fast food is known for its large portions, low prices, high palatability, and high sugar content, and there’s evidence from studies in teens and adults that frequent fast-food consumption contributes to overeating and weight gain”(Duffey, 2007). People gain weight from fast food, and not only do they gain weight they develop bad habits. Parents that regularly consume fast food are responsible for teaching their children that consuming unhealthy meals regularly is acceptable behavior which in end leads physical problems such as obesity and the emotional problems that are caused by

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