How Does Milton Present God As A Dictator

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Throughout John Milton’s Paradise Lost, many readers have declared war on the behavior and actions demonstrated by God. Some readers would view this figure as an officer of the law and supporting free will while like myself I find him to be a maniacal dictator. This uncertainty exits because God appears to be a contradictory character in this poem. Milton displays God as either sympathetic and encouraging father or cruel dictator. In this paper I will examine the character God and whether Milton’s personal opposing views on political ideals led to the creation of God as a dictator in Paradise Lost.
In heaven God’s character appears angry and seems to contemplate, as he condemns Adam and Eve and eventually forgives their trespasses moments later. …show more content…

When reading God’s speech in book III of Paradise Lost the reader experiences these views and the true image of God seems puzzling. Although Milton tries to address this conflict for the reader and continues to stress the differences between human wisdom and the divine. He does however provide the reader with a clearly distinguish between God’s two images to create a sense of contradiction in the character. On the other hand if Milton had created a God who behaved the contradiction might have been …show more content…

God is full of opposing ideas, statements and features however, the world again remains free of negative connotations and again provides the reader with more than one viewpoint .The second definition can be connected to the idea that God is capable of being contradiction; however there is no negative connotation. Instead it focusses on irregularity which is Milton’ God. Yes, he is unpredictable, but no, he is not negatively impacted by these unpredictable views. Instead it allows readers to see more of that one side of God, expanding their knowledge and realizing the truth. Since God’s judgment is in opposition to man’s reasoning perhaps Milton viewed the only way to accurately define it would be present, opposite to mankind’s reasoning. Thus, mankind is capable of being justifiable and a dictator often favors one or other. Milton presented a God that is both because it is opposite of what a man would be, thus creating God and man opposites would correctly present God’s

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