How Does Hypnosis Affect Society

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Society may have different views on practices that can affect the human mind and body. Hypnosis is often viewed in society as a joke. It is regularly seen in carnivals as entertainment with non-professional hypnotist that only seek laughter than regular results. Hypnosis is a cooperative social interaction in which the hypnotized person responds to the hypnotist’s suggestions with changes in perception, memory, and behavior. This may aid in someone with an addiction like, smoking and have them not want to smoke anymore. Thus, they will no longer have the urge to smoke a cigarette and live a healthier lifestyle. The public’s views on hypnosis may bias the person getting hypnotized because they may not take it seriously. This is because of people viewing it for its entertainment value than its actual value. People going through withdrawal are often seen as society as crazy people. A person experiencing withdrawal symptoms goes through unpleasant physical reactions, combined with intense drug cravings, that occur when a person abstains from a drug on which they are physically dependent. A person that is going cold-turkey from a drug like cocaine or meth, may over exaggerate their experiences because of how it is viewed in society. Society views recovering from substance abuse as the low of the low …show more content…

It is has been normalized in today’s world. A person that is sleep deprived may experience disruptions in mood, mental abilities, reaction time, perceptual skills, and complex motor skills. Sleep deprivation is a serious issue that is not considered serious because it seems like everyone is experiencing the same. A person suffering from sleep deprivation, may not consider the radical effects it has on the human body because, as aforementioned, it has been normalized in society. The person may not even think they are sleep deprived because it is reoccurring issue that plagues society and it has entered

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