How Does Gay Marriage Weaken The Concept Of Marriage?

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How Does Gay Marriage Weaken The Concept Of Marriage?
What is marriage?
Conjugal view: marriage is the union of a man and a woman who make a permanent and exclusive commitment to each other that is naturally fulfilled by having and raising children together.
Activist view: union of two people who commit romantically loving and caring for each other, and share the burdens and benefits of domestic life. It’s a union of hearts and minds enhanced by whatever form of sexual intimacy they find agreeable.
-Threatening moral and religious freedom
Abolishing the current understanding of marriage would imply that same sex and opposite sex romantic unions are equivalently real marriages. So there have already been antidiscrimination laws against those who cannot, in good conscience, accept their understanding of sexuality and marriage.
Then we are saying that the state is taking and imposing a religious view on everyone. Many religions have ceremonies for recognizing marriage, and many people are motivated to support the current definition of marriage for religiously reasons. But none of these facts settles which view of marriage should be used in public. So in this case, it is not the state that keeps marriage from certain people, but their circumstances that keep certain people from marriage.
- Homosexuals are now able to marry in any country
Homosexuals can marry just like any other person, with the same rights and obligations as heterosexuals. If a homosexual complains of discrimination because he or she can't marry someone of the same sex is as if a polygamous complains of discrimination because you can't marry several women, or a pedophile with a child. There is no discrimination with none of these ones. Everyone is equal to the la...

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...g the other one too. The adoption of homosexuals has several disadvantages for the society that permits. The point is that a child has a right to a father and a mother but the right is violated if given to two men or two women.
-Legalizing homosexual marriage means to put all the educational tools of the State and media at the service of the homosexuality.
-If gay marriage is legal, it will be taught in the schools. Children's textbooks will explain the doctrine that the associations that homosexualists have indicated and that homosexuality is normal. It will also be taught that children should experiment with their sexuality to discover that sex attracts them more and that the people who oppose homosexuality are intolerant. Of course each television series just as it is starting now that have its pair of homosexuals or lesbians with children.
* Counter arguments

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