How Does Divorce Mediation Work

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Divorce Mediation: How does it Work?
Divorce is a stressful, turbulent and confusing time that creates fear and uncertainty. The prospect of ending a marriage and getting a divorce can be devastating. However, divorce proceedings need not be dreadfully traumatic. Divorce mediation is a helpful and affordable alternative to taking legal actions and going to court. During mediation, the parties involved will meet with a trained mediator to settle and finally resolve issues in a private and confidential setting.
Divorce mediation is actually about you and your former spouse deciding on what seems best for the both of you (and your children when applicable). In divorce mediation, the couples who are getting a divorce meet with a neutral third-party. With their help, everyone gets to resolve …show more content…

Divorce is a very personal experience. As such, it is the job of the mediator to keep the proceedings as productive and painless as possible.
Meditation is confidential and flexible. This gives couples a means to settle conflicts in a manner that would help both parties involved. Divorce mediation is ultimately important especially if couples have children as divorcing couples still need to interactafter the divorce. Mediation tends to bring out better communication between divorcing couples. This is an advantage when discussing issues pertaining to children.
Divorce mediators are neutral and do not work directly for any one of the parties. This means that mediators cannot give divorce advice to either party. They remain neutral regardless of what the situation is. A mediator can assist divorcing couples to formulate ideas which can eventually result to agreements that can save them a lot of time, money, and pain. Truly the free and open exchange of ideas that the mediator provides is fundamental in expediting a

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