How Does Cultural Conflict Affect Society Today

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Cultural conflicts are the result of the animal instinct within humans to be the strongest and people's varying beliefs.
For many years slavery oppressed minorities within the U.S. It is only human nature to do less and assert dominance over others. For a large portion of white people this was a simple way to feed the greedy monster within them, but sadly it lead to extreme abuse of the minorities. Once equality was reached conflict broke out. The southern culture was very pro-slavery, whereas the culture of many minorities believed in peace or even the extreme of retaliation. All this built up tension lead to the creation of extreme racist groups such as the KKK and the Black Panthers. This conflict still influences society today as members of the KKK continue to kill minorities in order to prove that they are stronger than them. Humans may not gore each other over differences today, but rather they butt heads in the private sector.
Staying strong to your culture’s beliefs despite the differing values between other cultures can deprive some people of what others may be free to do, but for some it can cost …show more content…

Pro-abortionists such as people of Chinese culture understand the concept of controlling the population to have enough supplies for everyone. Pro-life people such as many Christians believe every life was made for a reason. The fact that this conflict is over life creates extreme amounts of tension in society. The varying beliefs between the 2 cultures creates high amounts of stress and leads to outbreaks.
Differences among among culture has sparked conflict for centuries because humans fear change. They fear difference. They fear it because nothing is scarier than being told your life is a lie. Years ago people conquered other people through force. Now, with lots of leaders against war, culture is one of the strongest ways to unify and achieve a sense of

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