How Do Video Games Affect Literature

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The art of storytelling is as ancient as mankind itself. From story etches on caves to present day, storytelling has been an important tool in human civilization that enriches the many lives of others. The art of telling stories and literature has influenced many things in society from the way humans act, the things they create, and even making video games. Video games have had gained a massive following over the last couple of decades and has been enhanced due to literature influences and the power of storytelling. The influences of literature has given game developers an elevated way to create video games, make several adaptations from literature to digital games, and has even influence game mechanics for video games. The influences of literature has been a game changer for video …show more content…

One of the first videogames ever was a simple game by the name on pong, created in 1972 by Atari. The game was very basic and had no story. The game just consisted of two players playing a tennis like game by controlling a in-game paddle by moving it vertically across a side and bouncing a ball back and forth with the intention of trying to score on each other by trying to make the ball pass the paddle and making it to the other side. Pong became the first commercially successful video game and reached mainstream popularity (The Centre). From that point on, videogames became a popular form of media and evolved. As technology continued to advance, video games also advance. Game developers began adding story elements to their games, bringing more life into them, and help create video games to be a pop culture phenomenon. Games began to have characters and a linear story to enhance the experience for players. For example, a popular game by the name of Super Mario Bros, created by Nintendo in 1985 incorporated story elements into the game. The game developers gave the characters in super mario brothers archetypes, distinguished them and made them unique. Mario, an italian plumber,

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