How Do Children's Ability To Use English As Their Second Language

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(a) Department/system policies

Learning difficulties come in many shapes and forms, and it can range from children with health disabilities such as ADHD, Down syndrome, to children that speak other languages and English is their second language. The focus of this assessment will be for year five students with different mother language and English as their second language.

The teaching subject will be English and the focusing curriculum retrieved from Australia curriculum (2108) would be such as:

"Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater precision of meaning, and know that words can have different meanings in different contexts (ACELA1512)".

"Understand how to use knowledge of known words, base words, prefixes …show more content…

Educator first must have knowledge of individual children's ability and these can be assessed through tools such as auction research. Indicate the area that needs help, planning the lesson, monitoring and evaluate the outcome. Children's ability to learn also need consideration, such as some children learn better visually, some hands-on approach, while others in pairs or group situation. Regardless of the method of approach, it was found to have more success if the learning was focused on meaning during instruction and not for scoring or producer's purpose (Turkan, S., Christina, A., & Idding, D., …show more content…

As an educator, one must first help children make the connection with the peers and to do so, teacher itself need to make the binding first. Children need to feel secure and trusting with the teacher before they open up to others. Stephenson (2012) suggested breaking the ice by learning their language. Learn from the child and allowing them to see that the teacher value their culture and commit to learning. Laugh with the children when having difficulties pronouncing their language and learn a few words prior to meeting the children (Stephenson,

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