How Do Bloggers Get Paid?

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See How Easily You Can Increase Sales With These Blogging Tips For Business

It seems everybody at one point or another has tried out blogging. Most begin, then stray off and move on to something else that puts bread on the table. How do bloggers get paid?

For most, blogging is the articulate narcissist’s way to fame. Few people understand the power of blogging, and fewer still know how to effectively build a brand and get paid for blogging.

Beginner bloggers find it difficult to bring blogging to anything more than a mere hobby - but if you’re a business or organization, if you aren’t actively blogging, you’re missing out on an opportunity to skyrocket your sales and attract more customers and clients to your brand.

Here’s a brief rundown …show more content…

If the product solves their specific problem, they’re more likely to make a purchase in the moment!

Source: Pixabay

According to Kayak Online Marketing, businesses that utilize blogging have 55% more visitors to their website. Business-to-customer (B2C) businesses that use a blog have 88% more leads every month, while business-to-business (B2B) businesses with blogs have 67% more leads every month.

How can you drive more traffic to your blog? How can you retain a loyal base? And how can you influence them to buy your product? Beginner bloggers can use these instructions below, focused on building traffic to your blog rather than directly making money - if you run a company and sell a valued product, all you need is to draw attention and the sales will come through naturally by themselves.

Be warned, this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. Getting paid blogging takes enormous effort, but these are a few secrets that will bring you closer to …show more content…

If your title does not tempt people enough to click on it, your post is going under. Your title doesn’t have to feel like dirty clickbait, or be dishonest “fake news.” The most powerful title introduces an emotional event, but ends in such a way that pulls the reader’s curiosity.

Source: Hubspot

8. Write long posts

If you’ve ever been formally trained in the art of writing, you might have been told that, for the wordsmith, “less is more.” Not true these days. People do indeed have dwindling attention spans, but it’s important to fatten up your posts with as much content that incorporates your keyword as much as possible - in a natural, seamless way that doesn’t seem forced or out of context.

Buzzsumo, publisher of viral content, studied their posts and found that articles ranging from 3,000 to 10,000 words brought in the most traffic.


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