Guest Blog Credibility

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Your blog content isn’t the only way to maximize your online presence. You can boost your exposure is to get your name and/or brand out there through guest blogging. You will reach out to a new audience, gain credibility, build relationships, and get more followers across social media networks.
Guest blogging is a time-consuming, but well worth the time it takes when you’re building your company’s brand or your individual brand. Here are five of the benefits you will get from guest blogging.
It takes a positive association to make a brand credible. Individual authors and the companies for which they write drive credibility. Authors who get published on high-profile websites are more likely to be considered credible over those who …show more content…

Since the dawn of the Internet and blogs, online publishing and content has driven the need for websites where authors and brands are mentioned.
Companies understand that potential customers must be exposed multiple times to advertising before it fosters subconscious recognition or positive feelings for the brand. It’s the same for any online presence and for authors.
Since guest blogs are shared across social media channels, content spurs conversations via comments and email, which results in great networking opportunities or even sales. Always respond with a positive message on comments and in emails. If you do this, it’s likely they will think of you the next time they need your products or services. Additionally, you will probably get referrals from your positive interaction, which is part of building relationships.
Inbound Links
The primary reason writers choose to guest blog is to increase website traffic. Many websites let writers submit their bios and/or social media profiles, usually at the end of the post. These links are inbound links that drive referral traffic to the author’s website as well as giving their site’s organic search rankings a

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