How Did Racism Changed America In The 1930's

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-Racism is and was killing America but has slowly improved over the last 90 years. Racism is horrible, and no one should be subjected to it. It tears apart family, friends and at one time almost tore apart America. In the 1930’s racism was a big thing it was everywhere but way more common in the south as it was during the civil war. Blacks and other races besides Caucasian were subjected to hate just because they were just of a different skin tone. In the 1930’s blacks did not go to schools with whites, they did not drink out of the fountain the white drank out of they did not go to the bathroom with the whites everything was segregated. -racism is not as bad as it was in the 1930’s. Black people were treated like trash whites did not even consider them as people. As opposed to today we are more aware of each other’s as individuals with feelings, dreams and goals. You would never see a colored man working a high end job like lawyers etc. but now America is so diverse you can see any man or women of any color working any job. It was so bad whites hated colored women and men living by them or in their neighborhood. Then when a black man in the south was accused of a crime even if he wasn’t …show more content…

At that time in the 1930’s there were over 4 million members all over North America. They were so racist in fact they killed tortured and burned colored people. Then white people were known to call colored people niggers and other slang words and if you supported black people and didn’t hate them you would be ridiculed and called a nigger lover. During the great depression as usual blacks suffered worse and had an unemployment of 50% as compared to whites 25%. The 50% was bad and low paying the average pay of colored people was barely enough to support 2 people. Alex, LaFosta “racism in the 1920’s and 30’s”

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