How Did Plato Contribute To Western Civilization

1040 Words3 Pages

Brewster 1
George Brewster
Professor Perez-Feliciano
Pols 390-01
20 November 2014
The Athenian philosopher, Plato is one of the most influential figures of the Ancient Greek world and the entire history of Western civilization. His vast writings began with the study of human nature, ethics, morals, knowledge, and progressed into complex theories on reality, dualism, government and the human soul. The most famous of these dialogues, Plato believed education, knowledge, and truth were essential for society to become moral and just. As one of the founders of contemporary culture, his contributions to the art of Western thought were far ahead of its time, whose intellect and knowledge will live on for many generations to come.
The son of affluent aristocrats Plato grew up during the political unrest that followed the Peloponnesian War. His rise to prominence began under the tutelage another recognized Greek philosopher, Socrates, which many of works is derived from. Plato was extremely diverse and accomplished in his lifetime achievements. Plato founded the first University, The Academy in Athens, one of the first institutions of higher learning , in which many he is accredited with mentoring another great philosopher and scientist Aristotle .Plato’s recurring …show more content…

The souls of every individual mirror the three classes of society. There is a rational component of the soul, which is responsible for our pursuit of moral and ethical inclinations . Followed by the spirited part which is culpable for our wide array of emotions and passions . Finally the appetitive, which is responsible for our taste for desires and thrill. A just individual epitomizes an equally just society, without just people there can not be a just society . The three parts of the soul provide essential distribution of power and influence. In a just individual, the rational leads while ,

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