The day my life changed forever was when my little sister was born. On July 5, 2003 I was blessed with a beautiful little sister, Ramzy. My parents realized soon after her birth that something was wrong with her, but the doctors couldn’t tell them what it was. After several tests, doctors diagnosed my sister with having “low muscle tone”, which meant she wouldn’t be able to talk, walk or live like a normal child. After knowing this, it changed my life dramatically because i knew my life wouldn’t be the same or be like any other normal sibling life.
After having my sister my family and I had challenges to deal with that has changed my life at home and outside of it. My sister needed to be watched 24/7 in the beginning, so my mom had to her
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In the beginning I never really understood special Ed kids. I looked at them and didn’t understand why they acted a certain way or why they sometimes looked different, but after having my sister it has changed me so much. It took time but it made me realize that they aren’t really different from us after all. Maybe physically they are different but they all think the same as us and want the same things they like to enjoy all the same things we do.
You must think that after reading about my sister I might want to become a doctor or an aid to special Ed kids. I have thought of that and I would like to maybe in time but what I really want to get into is business and I feel that I have gain skills from my experience with my sister. One of them would be patience and in business you need patience to deal with people in your work or clients you even need patience in college, patience is key. I have handled it very well with my sister it took a long time but I grew to have a lot of patience with her when it came to her trying to walk or to even eat. Another skill I have gained would be problem solving. Even though my sister couldn’t talk we had to find another way and to work around that we tried sign language but it was hard for her to pick up on that. So then we tried an app on the Ipad that had daily schedules and word speaking tools but that didn’t work either she had a hard time using the Ipad and understanding it. Finally we
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Remember that? Because I do and it is something that makes me smile and laugh every time, Look at my sister now that’s why yeah she cannot talk but she is getting there she has done everything else and has overcame all those things she is not a normal child she is a special child that has taught me more then I have taught her and when I look at the situation even if it was bad In the beginning it turned out to have such a positive side she is not where we want her to be but she is far pass where she was it just took time and great knowledge has came from this
My personal philosophy on special education begins with this firm conviction, I believe all children are “uniquely and wonderfully” made, and regardless of their disability, posse unique gifts and talents. My philosophy of special education has developed, not from just being a general education teacher for many years, and a graduate student in special education, but also from being blessed to be a parent of a special needs child. I believe that every child deserves to have the best possible education, regardless of their disabilities or challenges. It is our responsibility, as special education teachers, to not focus on a student’s disabilities and challenges, but rather focus and develop their personal gifts and talents, in an environment
I had to learn to adjust life without my sibling because my mom did not have enough money for them to be with us and adapt to a new culture. During this my mother and I ended up homeless during the winter months, this was the most brutal and embarrassing time of our life. In my teenage life I have overcome many obstacles; Even though we were living in poverty my mother had high expectation for her children and graduating from high school was just the beginning unfortunately I stumble again, I failed my Math Regent and did not graduate but I was determined not to be discouraged .
My problems manifested themselves full swing when I was placed in foster care at age 16, in my identity vs. role confusion stage of development. I felt disconnected, isolated and alone. I self-medicated with dysfunctional boyfriends and food. I was torn between two families. Being left by my parents cut and burrowed deep within me and silently leeched away at my self esteem, confidence and worth. Despite my identity crisis, I pulled through and I was able to go to college, a feat none of my siblings has been able to accomplish.
My personal philosophy of special education drives not from teaching in the field, but from, observations, and personal experience, and the workshops I attended. I have had the opportunity to work with individuals with special needs in many different settings, all this help cultivate my knowledge in handling the needs of the special needed student. Special needs students have the ability to learn, to function, to grow, and most importantly to succeed. The difference comes into how they learn or how they need to be taught. There are as many beliefs about the "hows" as there are teachers and each of us forms our own philosophy through our experiences and research. As a student in a special education teachers’ program, learners with special needs includes all students in special education programs in the public school system or other appropriate settings. However, the students I would like to focus on in my career are students with learning disabilities and therefore when thinking about learners with special needs, my mind focuses on this population.
...child. I had no choice but to shape up and make a way for the both of us. Having a child made me realize that life is not all fun and games as my mother would say. I learned that in life there are responsibilities. I truly believe that had I not had a child at an early age, I would still be a wild absentminded party girl and who knows what else may have happened.
some families endure. However, there was something I really wanted that my mother had to tell
My family consists of five children, which today is considered a large family. Of the five I am the youngest by six years. My parents were married for twenty-eight years before they decided that divorce was the only solution. I was fourteen years old and the one child that suffered the most emotional damage. Because of the many years my parents were married and the wide age difference between my siblings and myself I was the only child still living at home with my parents. The day my dad decided to move out was the day my life changed forever.
I have worked with many teachers in this line of work and have watched how they interact with the kids. I have worked with all kinds of kids with special needs, ranging from reading disabilities to severe mental retardation. Some of the teachers that I have worked with, I have not approved of their tactics on how they handled the kids, but you learn and you adapt. Eventually you will know what is right and what is wrong.
Kids with disabilities are nice young boys and girls, but they don’t always get the chance to show it. People judge them because of what they have. It could be because they can’t speak right, do a math problem like we can, or they could have a mental handicap. Children with disabilities should be treated the same as everyone else.
I was working at a camp and got into a conversation with a friend who has Asperger Syndrome about his experience with special education. He told me how long it took him to get into a program and how much those teachers had helped him to become the person that he was. The teachers were able to help him understand what he was learning as well as life lessons. He and other children with special needs at the camp I have worked at for the past few summers have instilled in me a stronger need to reach out to those in both special and general education classes. This was again enforced in the class “Intro to Special Education.” I was taught even more that school is not just about learning the information, but learning about yourself and how to grow in yourself. Each student is different and therefore each student must be seen as
... have witnessed my family survive even the toughest situations, and still remain smiling as if nothing was wrong at all. I am the oldest sibling which means I have to set examples for not only my brothers and sisters, but also my peers who all look up to me in high school. I will no longer sit helplessly while my mother and father scrap up money for football equipment for my brother or school clothing for my twin siblings. My parents will be proud and happy and stress free after I am in my career. [polysyndeton] Even though my mother is a newly developed cancer patient and I am a type one diabetic, our diseases with not hinder my progress.
Growing up in a divorced family was the beginning of the development of my need to be a strong individual. My mother had to work many jobs to support myself and my brother. This left the two of us alone and together most of our childhood. While I know that my brother truly loved me, sometimes a teenage boy does not show a small girl the compassion that she requires. I had to frequently take care of myself while my brother was finding more important things to occupy his time with.
My family experiences has shaped who I am today and has given me the base for my strengths and has also shaped what I would say are my weaknesses. Being raised in a low-income working class family we had many struggles to face as I was growing up. There were
I have always grown up in a more ‘normal’ setting and seeing people with disabilities was something that was rare to me. When I was younger, my thoughts on people with disabilities were that they could only be physically seen, nothing else (mentally, intellectually, etc.). As I reached middle school, I realized how broad the world is and how many ways people were affected by disabilities. Some of them led a more normal life and some have a harder time adjusting. Just seeing and reading how so many are affected and how harder it is for them really opened up my mind and allowed me to have a wider perception of how broad things are in the world.