How Did Muhammad Influence The Spread Of Islam

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Muhammad is the founder of the religion of Islam which he taught to the people. He made great accomplishments to the Muslim world like telling people to believe in one god. Even though Muhammad’s childhood wasn’t full of luxury, he became a great person.
When Muhammad was born in 570 CE in Makkah, his mother sent him as an orphan to live with a nomad family. As he grew up, he took on many important duties and made many trading journeys outside the Arabian Desert. Later, he began managing trading caravans for a widow named Khadijah. Khadijah was impressed with Muhammad’s abilities, so she proposed to him and they got married and had several children.
As Muhammad lived his merchant life, one night he walked into a cave and saw the angel Gabriel. She told Muhammad that Allah had picked him to be the prophet to communicate his words to his people. Muhammad thought he was crazy but Khadijah consoled him and told him it was real. Gabriel continued to reveal more messages to Muhammad for the next 22 years. When he told his family and friends, they became a small group of followers. Eventually, some followers kept track of words and messages in a book called the Qur’an, which is the holy book of Islam. …show more content…

Abu Talib, the head of the Hashim Clan, and Khadijah protected him from people who didn’t follow him. Many people joined Muhammad, but some people rejected him because they were worried about not being able to worship Makkah or believe in all their gods. Some weaker followers were tortured to give their faith, but they didn’t. As the number of Muslims grew, the powerful clans of Makkah started a boycott to make Muhammad’s followers give up Islam. The Qur’an tell the story of the Night Journey about how Jerusalem is a holy city for the

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