The Similarities And Differences Of Monotheistic Religions

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Monotheism is the belief in the existence of one God. There are three of the most influential monotheistic religions in world history today known as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These three religions share both vast similarities and differences. One significant similarity they share is the belief in one deity. The belief of one God gave many people guidance and purpose in their lives. For this reason, these three religions gained many followers and believers who had faith in God. Through faithfulness in God, many were promised eternal paradise. In the following paragraphs, I will explain the similarities and differences between the rituals, holy scripts, and salvation that these religions shared. In the seventh century, a new faith arose in the Middle East known as the Islamic religion. Just like Christianity and Judaism, the Islamic religion believed in one God known as Allah. The founder of Islam was a very unique individual known as Mohammad. Mohammad had an amazing spiritual experience that transformed his life and made a great impact in history. He experienced visions and revelations from Allah which he accepted as messages. Mohammed …show more content…

In Judaism, the holy book was known as the Torah. It is comprised of the five books in the bible. Human beings had an obligation to honor the holy text and serve God by practicing what was stated in the bible. However, in Christianity, the holy text is based on both the Old and New Testament. This bible consisted of teachings and life of Jesus. Lastly, for the Islam religion, their holy text was the Quran. The bible was inspired by God and gave many people inspiration and guidance in their lives. Thus, many people will apply what was stated in the bible to their lives to live righteously. All three religions required individuals to read their holy texts, pray, and stay faithful to

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