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The 3 Abrahamic religions AND WHAT THEY HAVE IN COMMON
The relationship between religion and law
The 3 Abrahamic religions AND WHAT THEY HAVE IN COMMON
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Religion has always been a topic of much debate. Between faithful adherents and their spiritual leaders, questions the deal with religious law and the afterlife have always been at the forefront. The three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are no exceptions. Although all three religions share a common ancestor, they are not beholden to one singular believe in the matters of religious law and ideas of the afterlife.
The concept of an afterlife in the Abrahamic religions is very difficult to discern as each religion holds within itself its own interpretation. An interpretation that not every denomination within each religion agrees with. There is somewhat of a general consensus, however, as all three acknowledge that there is an afterlife. The typical Christian and Islamic belief is that heaven and is eternal. In the event that the deceased ascend into heaven they will enjoy God’s presence as well their loved ones for eternity. Unlike Christianity, Islamic traditions show that are several levels inside heaven where not only does
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Judaism’s and Christianity’s interpretations generally aligned themselves the same, however, Islam’s use of the ten commandments differs from the other two in both small and large ways. Whereas the Judeo-Christian interpretation commands one not to steal. The Islamic interpretation takes it a step further by giving instructions as to what the punishment the criminal will receive. Another aspect is of Islamic divergence is that the Judeo-Christian interpretation commands one not to lie or give false testimony. The Islamic interpretation takes it a step further again by affirming that the liars are cursed by God. Although religious laws varied amongst the three Abrahamic religions, there are still key ideals and beliefs that continue to bind them this day as the descents of the teachings of
It is divided into 4 key areas, laws relating to personal acts of worship, laws relating to commercial dealings, laws relating to marriage and divorce and penal laws. Compared to the 10 Commandments which is concise and simple, the Sharia Law is quite extensive and goes into personal matter such as hygiene, diet, dress code and sexual matters, whereas the 10 Commandment primarily cover ways to avoid sin. The 10 Commandments and the Sharia Law both condemn idolatry, murder, adultery, theft, the intentional desire and longing for immoral sexuality and the wanting or taking of someone’s property. The Qur’an has stated multiple punishments for not following the Sharia Law, these include beheading/crucifixion (Qur’an 5:33), flogging (Qur’an 24:2) and hellfire (Qur;an 40:70-72). This is different to the 10 Commandments as there are no punishments for not following the 10 Commandments. Although the 10 Commandments and the Sharia Law are two different aspects of the ethical dimension of Catholicism and Islam, through the evaluation of those ethical rules, there are a number of similarities and difference noted which link the two religions
Many religions and philosophies attempt to answer the question, what happens after a person dies? Some religions, such as Christianity and Islam, believe there is an afterlife. They believe that good and moral people enter Heaven or Paradise and that bad and immoral people go to Hell. Other religions and cultures believe that death is final, and that nothing happens after a person dies. Buddhism and Hinduism have different ideas about death.
How are Judaism, Islam, and Christianity connected? There are only two ways in which you can connect these three religions. The first is the fact that all three are monotheistic faiths that believe in one God. The other is through our lineage, traced way back to the “father of many nations”, Abraham. Abraham is looked at by these religions as the father of them and is very crucial to many spectrums of each religion. Although they all have a connection with Abraham as their father, they all disagree on the occurrences of his life and what he did for each religion.
Judaism vs. Christianity Judaism and Christianity developed on the basis obeying God, on adherence to his rules and intentions and their faithful fulfillment. Since the fulfillment of God’s will is a duty of a Jewish or Christian person, both religions fall into the rule-deontological category. In Judaism, God is seen as having a contractual relationship with the Jewish people where they must obey his holy laws in return for their status of the chosen people. God rewards or punishes Jewish people based on whether they obey or disobey his will. In parts of the Old Testament, however, God does show mercy or forgiveness, and in later interpretations God’s laws such as the Ten Commandments are followed not only out of loyalty to God but also because of their high moral character.
There are multiple views on death and the afterlife and each view is different depending on the religion or belief that someone practices. Some religions believe in a heaven but not a hell, some believe in both and others do not believe in either. The religions that are practiced today were created by our ancient ancestors who had the ability to think beyond themselves. Practicing a religion and having an idea of death and an afterlife back in ancient times laid a foundation on how religion is seen and practiced today. Mesopotamians, Egyptians and Hindu’s created the concept of death and life after death through what they believed and practiced in ancient times.
Monotheism is the belief in the existence of one God. There are three of the most influential monotheistic religions in world history today known as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These three religions share both vast similarities and differences. One significant similarity they share is the belief in one deity. The belief of one God gave many people guidance and purpose in their lives. For this reason, these three religions gained many followers and believers who had faith in God. Through faithfulness in God, many were promised eternal paradise. In the following paragraphs, I will explain the similarities and differences between the rituals, holy scripts, and salvation that these religions shared.
There are many similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There are also many differences that separate the three major religions of the world. This paper will delve into all three of them.
...did not die’. Islam belief in human nature is also different from Christianity; but the same in Judaism, that human nature has the equal ability to do good or evil. Means of salvation in Islam is closely the same to the other Abrahamic beliefs. In addition, good and bad afterlife beliefs are closely related as well. Interestingly, Christianity views Islam as a false religion and Islam views Judaism and Christianity as ultimately having wrong beliefs and ‘only partial revelation’. Ultimately, these Abrahamic religions are the most influential religions in the world. Their impact on the world is very deep and all trace their history to Abraham in the Hebrew Bible. The brief overview of the similarities and differences of the three monotheistic faiths enables people to enrich or at least receive a concrete vision of what can possibly come with death and the afterlife.
Religions exist with the belief of afterlife, either would be in the form reincarnation, resurrection or the eternal Atman. What I want to focus at today is the resurrection and how there are similarities and differences of it with respect to Christianity and Islam. Muslims calls it the Day of judgment or the last days so is Christians in some sense but it is also called the last things. Such beliefs include few different components; Death, resurrection, heaven and hell, paradise and the return of the lord.
Christianity and Judaism are two religions which share an origin. Abraham is the father of faith of both Christians and Judaists. The two religions are based on the Old Testament; however, Judaism has refused to acknowledge the New Testament. It is said that is a Judaist accepts Christianity, and then become complete. However, if a pagan accepts Christianity, they are converted because they do not have the basis that is provided by Judaism. Both Christianity and Judaism believe in the existence of heaven and hell. Both religion follow the same ethical code and believe that God had the same plan for salving the fallen race. The two religions also preach of the sinfulness of the humankind and, its consequences and the righteous judgment of God (Avery-Peck & Neusner 2009). Nevertheless, despite the fact that Christianity and Judaism have several similarities, they have a wide range of differences in their beliefs, teaching and practices.
Every religion has its own goal, and their own path and believe to reach their goals, however there are also many similarities in believes. Although the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam may see things differently, they all fundamentally hold the same values and codes. To Islam, the Prophet Mohammad’s teaching is a complete and final revelation. On the other hand, according to the bible, Christianity believes that Jesus Christ is the true lord and savior will grant you the access to heaven in the afterlife. Judaism is founded by Abraham, and it is the base from which both of the other two religions sprung. Even though the three religions differ in many areas and on many aspects, they also agree on the monotheistic, the belief in ‘One True God.’ Those religions have many similarities and a number of significant differences about God, role of women, prayer, and salvation.
that exists and this can be read in the sacred texts, the Koran and the Bible. For all three monotheistic religions, God is the only one that can be considered as the Creator of the Universe, the All-Powerful and the venerable divine being that is gracious and merciful. They also accept the fact that this god is the same God that Abraham worships as stated in the Old Testament. This particular similarity between these three religions has given them the name “the Abrahamic religions” by some experts. Despite the varying names these three religions have for this particular god, in essence, they are one at the same. Abraham is also considered the father to the children of God, which are often referred to as the people of Israel. (Lin) What differs in the three religion’s concept of God is how they advocate them. One can see that Christianity and Judaism are close to their belief of God. They noted that Je...
Although there are many religions in the world that have affected the lives and cultures of many people it is clear that most of the historical developments that have affected the way people now live seem to have been greatly influenced by the three religions with close relationships to each other resulting in being clustered together as the Abrahamic faiths. While there are many differences among the three most populous religions called the Abrahamic faith (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), there are a number of similarities that deserve a closer look. In this article will look at three major similarities. At times there may be more similarities between any two of them but dissimilarity with the third. For instance, on the personality and
Judaism, Christianity and Islam share the same birthplace the Middle East. Jerusalem is not only the home to Judaism but Christian and Muslim Religions as well. Equally important is the expansion of religions. For example Judaism and Christianity are also practiced in Europe, North America, Russia and elsewhere. Islam can be found in Europe, Central Asia, North and West Africa and elsewhere. (30-41)
Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam : similarities & contrasts. Beltsville, Md. -. Amana Publications, 2004. : Amana Publications, 2004. Ibrahim, I. A..