How Did Martin Luther King Jr Achieve

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Martin Luther King Jr:A Civil Rights Leader Who Still Shines Today Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader in the Civil Rights Movement and King has had things happen to him in his life that has helped shape who he was during the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King has been put in jail 29 times in his life because he disobeyed the law. King was married to Coretta Scott and had four children. King was against segregation and believed that everyone was created equally, so he took a stand for equality. Martin Luther King Jr. was important during the Civil Rights Movement. Segregation was around for a long time and was in many different places. Segregation has appeared in schools and it has affected African Americans who have went to a segregated school. Test items have shown that the average black student’s score has been lower than the scores of all of the white …show more content…

became the predominant leader in the Civil Rights movement to end racial segregation and discrimination in America during the 1950s and 1960s and a leading spokesperson for nonviolent methods of achieving social change (Garrow, David).” Martin Luther King Jr. helped the idea of having no segregation by protesting and spreading the word and eventually it paid off because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed and it changed everything. “The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin (” Martin Luther King’s dream became real when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed as a law and everyone who didn't believe in segregation finally received what they have always wanted,

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