How Did Jrotc Change My Life

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Final Exam JROTC has been a huge impact in my life believe it or not. It has taught me to be strong ,stand up for myself and take charge. Just last year I was a company commander., little me being the big boss. Many people might of not like that idea of me in charge but as hard as it was I am grateful I had that chance to experience when I did. I learned no one can pull you down but yourself. I myself got out of my shell. I can talk to people more openly and not be scared. I think I speak louder too. The biggest experience I can say JRTOC gave me would be jclc. I met some of the best people there. Even though I might not talk to them anymore I wish them nothing but the best. It is always sad to see friend leave but that’s part of life and in life the only thing you learn is to let them go and take care of yourself. They treated me like a family and cared for me as one too and that is something I will never forget. JROTC is more than just a class. It actually helps you in life. For me it did mentally physically and emotionally. …show more content…

I was going thru a lot but when It came to that class people actually showed an interest in talking to me and how I was. It also helped me be more discipline and serious.(mentally). I believe my character has changed from shy to outgoing, messy to responsible. It has changed me physically because I became more fit with all the summer camps .The running, hot sun and drinking lots of water sure called for that summer

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