How Did Emily Dickinson Influence Her Poetry

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I.Introduction. Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born on 10, December 1830. Emily Dickinson and Edward Dickinson in Amherst, Massachusetts where she lived until she died in 1886 from chronic nephritis. Emily would never leave her house, so she became known as the “Myth of Amherst.”

II.Emily Dickinson is known to have changed the entire landscape of poem literature. She was able to write in her own way without having to conform to traditional poetry. Through raw use of the English language, she wrote simply yet with deep meaning and introspection. From nature and life, to death and darkness, she stretched across the entire literature scene, mostly undetected until after her death. However, the impact that her poetry left behind, forever changed …show more content…

Most of her writings were in letter form to friends and family. There is believed to be over 1,800 writings that have been collected from the time that she was as young girl. Starting as young as 11 years of age, her writings have been preserved and archived because of her prodigious literacy and linguistic inclination.

IV.She wrote her poems as though she were telling about her life with an invisible lover. During her 20’s she wrote many letters and poems that were addressed to her “Master”. There are many people whom are believed to be the referenced “Master”, but no one will ever known as it appears that these letters were never delivered. The “Master” letter have even been suspected of being addressed to God or the Devil.

V.Because she was largely a recluse, the vast majority of her writings were not discovered until after her sudden death. She did not leave behind any instructions for what to do with her writings. It is apparent that she did not have desires or aspirations to be famous or even recognized by her writings. Dickinson’s poem “Publication is the Auction…” states this very clearly. She wrote for her own enjoyment with a resounding confidence that she shared with few throughout her life which in turn made it much more personal and

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