I am a blessed girl who has had to overcome minimal obstacles throughout my life. Raised in a stable family with two loving parents that instilled morals and faith in my brother and I to last a lifetime. I grew up in a normal suburb neighborhood, playing backyard football games with the kids next door, and going to church every Sunday morning was a given. Dr. Seuss said “life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who do not and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.” This paper will be about the ways God is working in my life, his …show more content…
future plans, my passions and personality, influential life experiences, conformation and goals for this year. Currently, God is working through my life by getting rid of sinful temptations; such as going to class late, not waking up to attend church, and negative influences. He is opening my eyes to see the people I have and am surrounding myself with. I am detaching myself from those negative relationships and surrounding myself with people that will encourage me and help me grow in Christ. Additionally, God giving me the ability to be courageous and willing to disciple to others. For instance, over labor day weekend my roommate and I spent the day at my grandparents house with all my family. As we sat down to eat, I asked if anyone wanted to pray but no one volunteered so I prayed over our food. God works in amazing ways, not even a month into school, I already feel a great burden taken off of me and freedom to share my faith with others. Despite my future being unclear, I know God has a plan for my life. Each and everyday, He is working within me, shaping me like a “blob of dough” into something desirable (Dr.Ingle). Life is a process and God is the only one with the instructions. sometimes I get stuck on a step and make it into a problem, but if I allow God to be in command, the process always runs smoothly and efficiently. Seeing how worry free and excited children are to live life, changes the way I live day by day. My grandmother used to tell me “if you made a child smile today, you had a successful day.” When a child smiles it is one of the greatest things in the world, it reminds me to appreciate not only the big things but the smallest ones as well. Nothing is worth being unhappy for, not money, relationships, or anything. Life is so short, there is no time to waste. Furthermore, I love to help the homeless and expect nothing in return. Doing tasks for someone and not receiving any recognition is what Jesus would do rather than wanting people to praise me. Personally, I enjoy not receiving any recognition, I get enough joy out of helping another in need. I volunteer at a ministry that feeds homeless people and does a church service. Those people do not have a home, clean clothes, or proper education but are thankful for so much. Listening to their stories or just about how their day went, makes me realize how blessed I am. I go home to a comfortable home with two loving parents and an encouraging older brother. I do not have to beg for food or worry about what tomorrow will bring. This is something I have struggled with for a while, why does God allow these people to live the way they do, why does he allow them to suffer and worry. Not only do I love engaging with children and helpless people, I am energized by teaching people new ideas and concepts. I am always learning even while I am teaching someone something new. Everyone has a voice and different ways of thinking, I am amazed by the new ideas that arise from other people’s thoughts. They may not always be right but then I am able to learn from them and decide how to make those particular thoughts correct. Additionally, I have a passion to help people, one way I accomplish this is by donating platelets weekly.
Platelets are part of the blood that holds a unique power to save lives. Primarily the recipients of platelets are cancer patients due to the effects of chemotherapy. When I was in elementary school, my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer. At first my parents did not tell me what was happening, all they said was “Memom is sick”. When they knew exactly what she had, they sat my brother and I down and explained that she had breast cancer and it would be a hard journey ahead for her. I knew what cancer was but I never really thought it could happen to my loved ones. After about three years of intense chemotherapy and constant prayer, she is now cancer free. I thank God everyday for her being in my life. In addition to my grandmother being affected by cancer, my childhood friend Alex was born with a brain tumor, the doctors thought it was inactive until about third grade when she got very sick. The doctors said it is active and very strong. They were not sure if she would make it. She fought for two strong years, we constantly prayed and finally she beat it! God does everything for a reason but sometimes it is hard to understand why until I see the end result. Cancer awareness is a cause that is strong in my heart. I am blessed to be in good health, but I know all throughout the world people are fighting just to live a normal life. My high school softball team …show more content…
would play a breast cancer awareness game every year. Each girl would raise money to be donated to a cancer center. In the four years I participated, I raised over fifteen thousand dollars myself. It was an amazing feeling to help those who are asking for nothing but a chance to live a normal life. I am a extroversion sensing, feeling and judging person (MBTI).
I focus my attention on the outer world. I love being around people and listening intently to their stories and what they have to say. When I was younger, I would go fishing with my grandfather for hours just to listen to his stories and the life lessons he poured into me. I enjoy organizing people and events, I take pride when events run smoothly. I pride myself on being loyal and conscientious, following through in everything I do. I strongly value security and stability, my parents have been my rock throughout my life. Without my family, I would not be the person I am today. Additionally, I base my decisions on my strong values. Interested by the lives of others, I will do everything I can to make their life as good as it can be. I hate when people desire to be included but are too shy to step out of their comfort zone. For instance, at lunch when someone is sitting alone I go and sit with them no matter if they want me there or not. Everyone needs a friend, I cherish making someone’s day just a little better. God commands us to live like him, being unkind and pretending to be different from the world is not the way to live a Godly life. I am very sensitive to the needs of others and enjoy caring for them. I get great satisfaction from attending to people. There is so much hurting in this world, I try to do my part and just help those around me. I may not be able to change the world overnight, but God can
and I put my faith fully in Him to keep his promises of healing and hope. I strive to complete every task early. I live by the saying “if you are on time, you are late. But if you are early, you are on time”. I take pride in my work and always complete it on accurately and on time. I prefer to follow traditional and accepted methods of doing things. The most important aspect in my life is my family. They are the most influential people in my life and I know they want the best for me. There is nothing that I would not do for my family. Without them, I would feel absolutely alone in this big, cold world. I take a planned and organized approach to life, I like to have things settled. Every Sunday night, I plan my week hourly, I color code and leave time for change. Bruises, messy hair, bloody knees, dirt stained socks, anxious parents critiquing from the stands and intense coaches pushing me to work harder; growing up I played competitive softball, I competed around the country dreaming of being recruited. Church, friends, family, even school were a second priority for me. As junior year approached, I was injured and forced to have an atypical surgery. I tore my rotator cuff and labrum completely and damaged almost every other muscle in my arm. Injuries are humbling, for me surgery opened my eyes to the world to see what I was missing. Feeling like an outsider in the athletic realm, I befriended the “nerds” and the “Church kids.” Usually the only interactions I had with them was to try to copy their homework. Quickly I realized they were true friends who wanted to be there for me and keep me accountable in my daily life. My grades began to improve and my motivation for school increased tremendously. I grew closer with my family, grew in my relationship with Christ and had friends that were genuine. Still learning how to live a life fully through Christ, I am trying to stay on God’s path (Kaylee).
Jerry Sittser’s book not only brings readers into loss with all its real emotions and pain but it also highlights truths that can be applied to anyone’s life. Sittser’s faith is evident throughout the book and his struggle of finding his faith within his loss and sorrow is encouraging to many. In the end, through his loss, he finds God again and through the writing of his book is now able to offer many insights on the Christian perspectives of sorrow, loss, forgiveness and how mental illness affects families. Sittser inspires readers because they have witnessed that they can too grow and continue living life despite their loss and without forgetting their loss.
I tend to be analytical, as previously mentioned, and supportive of others. Upholding high principles of morality and ethics have made me flourish as I have a lot of empathy towards the needy.
Growing up on the south side of Chicago in the roughest neighborhood in the city I learned a lot from others and just observing my surroundings. At times, I would always think to myself my situation could always be worse than it was, and that there is always someone who is doing worst off than me. But my situation turned from being in a bad position to being in a position where my mother would come to lose her mother and our home that we had been living in, all in the same year. After losing her mother and bother my mom lost herself in her emotions and shut down on everyone and with that came the loss of a home for me and my siblings and her job. Shortly after my mom began to go back to church and so did we. It was the first time in a log time that we had attended church and it played a big part in a learning experience for me and my siblings. Through the days that came to pass going to church sparked a desire of wanting to help others who had or are struggling to get by. My mentor, Pastor, and teacher deserves appreciation for helping my mother through a hard time and keeping me and my siblings active in a positive manor.
I have elected to transcribe my proposal argument on issues regarding cancer chemoprevention. I selected this topic because reasonably minute devotion has been given to cancer chemoprevention research in ethical writings, particularly in relation to the huge quantity of moral studies in cancer treatment exploration. Cancer chemoprevention trials test the ability and care of medicinal agents in averting cancer before its manifestation. I believe that phase III chemoprevention issues can be less prevalent by simply ensuring enhanced communication and etiquette between researchers and investigators.
Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to cure cancer. Chemotherapy is also known as “chemo”. The term for chemo came from the German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich around the year 1900. He came up with the term when he was examining aniline dyes and arsenicals as possible treatments for diseases such as syphilis. He envisioned “magic bullets” that would be able to target invading organisms but still leave the host unscathed. This goal has been providing therapeutic benefits without many side effects in all areas of drug development. There has been a lot of success with compounds that modulate normal biochemistry within the body.
Cancer is a deadly disease that millions of people die from a year. Many loved ones are killed with little to no warning affecting families across our world. My family happened to be one that was affected by this atrocious disease. This event changed the way my family members and I viewed cancer.
Almost everyone is touched by cancer in some way and the number of people living with and beyond cancer grows greater every year. Globally 14 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year and 8 million people will die from it annually. Half of all men and one-third of all women will develop cancer during their lifetime. (13) There are many treatments for cancer, mainly: surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. These traditional treatments have many negative side effects. Therefore, increasingly, other treatments, such as hormonal therapy and targeted therapy are being used for certain cancers. Nanotechnology is a form of targeted therapy that destroys cancer tumors with minimal damage to healthy tissues and organs. Scientists are already using nanotechnology in early detection of elimination of cancer cells before they form tumors. But the real game changer will be when nanotechnology targets cancer tumors in treatment (11,13).
"Ring, ring", I wondered who was calling me at this time of evening. "Yes; o.k.; Yes, I'll be there", I said before hanging up the phone. What was wrong, I wondered all that evening that the doctor wanted me to come in to discuss my lab results? I had never been asked to come in to the office after doing blood tests before; when receiving a call as this the mind plays tricks on the person and wild things start popping up in the head.
In this first part of this paper I will be explaining my worldview. There are three influences I will focus on to give an in depth look at how I came to my worldview. The three influences are religion, family, and my career choice. I think the biggest part of my worldview comes from my religion so I will start with that. I am a Christian and with that comes certain beliefs. Those beliefs lead my life daily and contribute to my worldview. One those beliefs is to spread his word. God’s word is such an important part to look at because it gives a framework to guide my life in every aspect. The Bible is filled with commandments, stories, and scripture that reference to how to look at life from a moral, social, and personal standpoint. We can actually begin to see the purpose for our through the word as well. Life’s purpose, according to the Bible, is for God’s glory. We are supposed to praise, worship, proclaim him, and follow his will. “Everyone who is called by my name, and whom I have created for my glory, whom I have formed, even whom I have made,” (Isaiah 43:7) I like this verse because I feel like it reminds me of what God has done for me. From that ...
Life Application Study Bible: Personal Size Edition. 2nd. Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2004. Print.
I thought nothing of it; my dad had just left to supposedly get some tests done. I knew something was wrong because he had some weird bruises, but something like cancer never crossed my mind. I decided to go to sleep hoping to see dad in the morning. Morning came and I knew something much worse than expected had happened. My aunt came in that morning and said that we needed to talk. That day my sister and I found out that our dad had Leukemia.
While chemotherapy is beneficial at curing or helping a disease such as cancer, it can has a negative effect on a person’s body too.
I am an intuitive-feeling personality. I am charismatic, participative and very people oriented. I tend to focus on the big picture and not the small specifics. I am not power hungry and try to be helpful and giving to those around me.
It may take many people to realize that the decisions they make today could possibly affect the outcome tomorrow and even later in life. When we are children, our parents and guardians are responsible for properly guiding us to make the right choices, they are the people who are supposed to teach us right from wrong and in most cases they are the people who reveals the many harsh realities of the world to us. Through childhood we may not worry about how the bills will get paid, or what job we will have when we are adults because for many people the answer to those questions often change with time. As we grow older it is up to us to follow their guidance and learn from what they have taught us and live in a society as one. Life is full of choices, some larger than others but during all stages of life we are given the opportunity to shape our own futures, make a difference in our community, and try to achieve our life goals. The decisions we make today could have an adverse affect on what we do tomorrow. In life, we are all faced with decisions regarding numerous life choices on a day to day basis. In Alonzo Mourning’s book “Resilience,” based on his experiences Mourning gives his audience suggestions to follow in his path to succeed in life to achieve our goals. We learn as adults that some of the choices we made in the past were not to our benefit, but we may not know the decision was wrong at the time. In many points in the book Mourning talks about the importance of having faith in God and praying about situations, because he feels his belief and faith in God is what gets him through many difficult times. When Mourning spoke with a young boy and his father regarding their common illness he advised the father, “Pray for it and ev...
I am sentimental, out-going, indecisive, understanding, curious, naive, lazy, and young. I want to be ... , well a lot of things, and growing is discovering what they are. I feel people cannot see the potential within, although there is no one to blame but myself. I look to others for approval instead of to myself. I aim to please; it leads to approval. I don’t like to discuss my faults; I pity myself.