How Can Understanding and Acceptance of Korean Cultural Heritage be Developed Through Traditional Cuisine?

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How can understanding and acceptance of Korean cultural heritage be developed through traditional cuisine?

“There is simply no division between Korea, Koreans and the cuisine of Korean.” (Pettid, M. 2008)
This report will present three key findings which serve to illustrate how a traditional Korean dining experience can educate non-Koreans about Korean culture.
The first key finding provides an overview of Korean cuisine, traditional recipes and a traditional dining experience. The research provides background to some of the historical traditions that continue to this day. If Korean cuisine is to be used to educate others about Korean culture then it is important to present the experience in a “modern traditional” way. Modern enough to cater for contemporary dining while ensuring those traditions unique to Korean cuisine are maintained.
The second key finding presented in this report explores the connection between Korean culture and traditional cuisine. It will demonstrate that much of Koreans’ connection with their past is through their dining experience.
The third key finding is that Korean cuisine provides a strong foundation on which to build an understanding of Korean culture. . Baseline data will show that a small group of Australian students have little or no knowledge of Korean culture. It will then be shown that their knowledge of Korean food and culture can be developed significantly by participating in a Korean dining experience.
Cuisine is defined as “a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristics of a particular country, region or establishment.” (Online Oxford Dictionary. Accessed 11th April 2014)
Korean food has developed from interactions wit...

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