How Basketball Changed My Life

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Every young child has big dreams, and I was no different. Ever since the age of eight, basketball has been a major part of my life. Not a day passed by without me thinking about or playing basketball. It was not just a hobby, but became a way of life for me. By the time I reached high school, my vision was very clear and had my sights on playing for a division one college. Basketball practice was my most anticipated part of the school day. The summer before my senior year was the time I tried to truly craft my skills. I did countless dribbling drills each Saturday morning at my local basketball courts. I spent many of my days alone on the court, but some Saturday afternoons my friend Dee would join me. He was two years older, and I enjoyed the chance to show off getting better and better at my defense, and looked for the chances I could block his shots. Whenever we played one another, the game was intense and I strived to beat him. It was during one particularly intense match that basketball changed my life. I was so into the game that I did not notice when a black car came around the corner and bullets began spraying out of it. The shots buzzed about me like a swarm of bees and instantly I …show more content…

I sat and thought, “Why would this happen to me?” No one had heard from Dee since after he left out the hospital. This did not settle well with me, and I wondered where he could be as well. It was after my mama left for work that I heard a rattle on my window, and instantly I recalled the sounds of bullets. Dee then said “Be cool it’s just me, I’m coming in.” With a blank face, I looked at him. He then sat down and began plugging up my PlayStation. He asked if wanted to play 2K and I told him yeah, he has the Lakers and I have Nuggets. An hour or two passed without either of us saying a word. Dee paused the game and said “Can I tell you something man?” I replied

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