Hotel Sorrento By Hannie Rayson

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Hannie Rayson’s play ‘Hotel Sorrento’ explores the changing nature of Australian cultural identity. Rayson successfully perpetuates and challenges common Australian stereotypes in order to establish how the Australian National Identity has changed over time. She presents these stereotypes through the characters expectations of gender roles, attitudes towards Australian culture and the theme of ownership. Hotel Sorrento is both a vivid and moving play, which explores the concept of loyalty both to family and to Australia. Rayson describes it as a ‘sweet pensive sadness.’ She states ‘I wanted to write a play of ideas; something which would send an audience out into the night with all sorts of things to talk about over coffee.’ As a reader we are positioned to assess the contrasting views of characters that oppose ideas as to whether Australia has changed or not. The play is set in the 1980s and this was a time when Australia was experiencing a dramatic change in the way in which women were seen as. The playwright explores the ideas of feminism and the role of men through the explorati...

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