Horse Thrush Research Paper

1987 Words4 Pages

Jillyan Swasey
Crystal Anderson
Elements of Equine Science
7 November 2014
The horse’s hoof is susceptible to many infections and unsoundnesses. These problems can be biological in nature, arising as a result of bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Others are derived from issues of neglect, exposure to factors that can cause unsoundnesses, or encounters with septic conditions. Unsoundnesses can occur in horses of all ages but older horses are more susceptible to them. The time of year plays a part in what infections or unsoundnesses the horse can contract. For example thrush is common in the winter when conditions are muddy. This infection can be serious in the event that it is not taken care of so a horse owner must know what it is, how to treat it, and how to prevent the horse or horses from getting it.
“Thrush is a degenerative infection of the frog, usually involving the central and collateral sulci. It is characterized by black discharge, disintegration of the horn and an offensive odor” (Rolfe 223). Thrush attacks the hoof tissues and the grooves and cleft of the frog. The black discharge has a distinctive, revolting smell that is unforgettable. The pungent smell and …show more content…

The best way to prevent thrush and keep the horse’s hooves healthy is to keep the hooves and the horse’s environment clean and dry (Hills 123). The hooves became infected due to excess water in their environment so to prevent thrush the environment should be kept dry all the time. Hooves are healthier when they are dry than when they are wet, however not enough moisture can lead to cracked hooves. “Prevention should include providing clean, dry bedding and daily foot care” (Rolfe 223). Dry bedding will keep the moisture level down. Due to the fact that thrush can occur from the lack of maintenance of the hoof keeping the hoof clean and trimmed will make it less susceptible to the

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