The digestive system of the horse consists of a simple stomach, small intestines, cecum, large and small colons, rectum and anus. The horse’s stomach is comparatively small for its size. The stomach of an average horse has a holding capacity of about two gallons. This may be the reason horses eat small but frequent meals. From the stomach food moves to the small intestine, which is the main site of digestion. The small intestine empties into the cecum. The cecum; along with the large colon; make up the large intestine. Digestion in the large intestine occurs by action of bacteria and protozoa. (
The energy content found in feeds and how it is measured in Kilocalories (kcal). ( which is also the measure used for calories in human consumption. Equine energy intake is measured in megacalories (Mcal) which are equal to 1000 calories. ( The total energy in feed is called gross energy. The amount of the feed's gross energy that is used by the horse is called Digestible Energy or DE. Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) is also a measure of feed content energy, it is reported in percentages and converts between calories and weight. (
Carbohydrates supply 80-90% of dietary energy. Sugars, starch, cellulose and related substances are carbohydrates. Starch is more easily digested than cellulose. Grains are easy to digest as they are 60-80% starch. ( A recent study conducted by Sharon R. Bullimore et. all. investigated the result of supplementing the diet of endurance horses with fructose rather than glucose. They “conclude that fructose is well-absorbed by horses and rapidly converted to glucose.”
An assessment of adequate energy intake can be established by evaluating body condition. Deficient diets result in weight loss in the horse. Alternate causes of weight loss are internal parasites and disease. Excess energy intake wall cause obisity which stresses joints and reduces athletic ability. ( A horse in moderate physical condition is described as “Back level. Ribs cannot be visually distinguished but can be easily felt. Fat around tailhead beginning to feel spongy. Withers appear rounded over spinous processes. Shoulders and neck blend smoothly into body.” (Henneke et al., 1981)
Protein is necessary in a horse’s diet as they can not produce the amino acid lysine and must be supply it in their feed. The horse’s protein requirements vary depending on age and function. Young horses needing more as they are still developing tissues made of protein.
The use of horses for human consumption dates back to the earliest use of animals for human consumption. Horses are used for food in many counties but are also considered inhumane in other countries. In the United States specifically, horsemeat is not the norm for consumed meat. There seems to be a problem that has arisen. It is suspected that horses being slaughtered at horse slaughtering factories are not the most up to date, pain free for the horse, and human as people suspect them to be like beef kill floors.
Kellems, Richard O., and D. C. Church. Livestock Feeds and Feeding. 6th ed. Boston: Prentice Hall, 2010. Print.
... horses with EMS found that feeding grass hay that was restricted to 1.25% of the animals’ body weights in combination with soaking the feed in cold water and feeding a vitamin and mineral regimen managed to improve the condition of the effected horses. In a period of six weeks, these animals lost an average %BM of about 7% as well as improving in the circumference of their belly and body condition score. Also, the horses showed higher insulin sensitivity by the end of the study.
The majority of clinical cases of laminitis occur in pastures where there is an accumulation of rapidly fermentable non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) such as fructans, simple sugars or starches (Geor, 2010). Pasture-associated laminitis has major economic and welfare implications in the equine sector. Increased risk factors include insulin resistance, increased insulin secretory response, hypertriglyceridaemia and obesity (Asplin, et al., 2007; Carter, et al., 2009 and de Laat, et al., 2010). Insulin resistance has been associated with a number of problems in the horse, most notably laminitis.
Training a horse to ride is hard work, it involves ground work, riding, and in both patience is very important. In the next few paragraphs I will be explaining the steps needed to train a horse.
The digestive system otherwise known as the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is a long tube which runs from the mouth to the anus. It operates to break down the food we eat from large macromolecules such as starch, proteins and fats, which can’t be easily absorbed, into readily absorbable molecules such as glucose, fatty acids and amino acids. Once broken down, these molecules can cross the cells lining the small intestine, enter into the circulatory system and be transported around the body finally being used for energy, growth and repair. ( I didnt copy direct quotes, however I had used the idea of the beginning in my research on the digestive system to help the reader better understand the system)
economy was beginning to weaken. By early in the fourteenth century and continuing well into
If you have ever been tense before an exam, a date, or a job interview, you have some idea of what anxiety feels like. Increased heart rate, sweating, rapid breathing, a dry mouth, and a sense of dread are common components of anxiety. But episodes of modern anxiety are a normal part of the life for most people. But what anxiety is so intense and long lasting that it impairs a person’s daily functioning is called an anxiety disorder. It is a general term for several disorders that cause apprehension, nervousness, fear, and worrying. These disorders affect how we feel and behave, and they can manifest real physical symptoms. Mild anxiety is vague and unsettling, while severe anxiety can be extremely debilitating, having a serious impact on daily life.
The small intestine a narrow tube and can be up to three and a half times the dogs body length. It is the main site of enzymic digestion, it receives the acidic chyme from the stomach and it absorbs the digested food product (Aspinall and Cappello, 2009).
When couples become parents, the first thing on their minds should be on how they will work as a team. Most parents will never choose to parent alone unless it was necessary. According to Zartler (2014), single-parenting has been a strongly pronounced trend in family behavior. Many families are single-parenting households. There are a lot of reasons that can cause a household to become a single-parenting household, and the most common reason is divorce. Most marriages just do not work out and this can cause a lot of stress within the family. There is a lot of hardships that can come with divorce including financial risks. Also, how the children will react can be hard as well. Most parents who are single parents can have a harder time dealing with the financial costs then parents that are married. There can definitely be negative impacts on single-parenting
The physical symptoms can range from muscle tension, increased heart rate, rapid and difficult breathing that leads to chest pains, sweating and dizziness. These same symptoms can be found after running a difficult race which is why it is tremendously important to assess the patient’s circumstances when assessing the physical symptoms. The more distinctive physical effects are things such as ulcers, fatigue, loss of appetite, a change in the patient’s blood pressure and increased muscle tension. The psychological symptoms include agitation, difficulty concentrating, lack of sleep, and the most pertinent: overwhelming sensitivity to problems, whether real or perceived, that leads to excessive worrying and possibly even panic attacks. It is clear that anxiety can severely effect a patient’s ability to be a productive member of society and enjoy life.
According to the 2012 Census Bureau report, in 2012 the average household family income was around $51,017 dollars a year. The income is nearly split in half for the income of a single parent. Single parents are often financially unstable, decreasing opportunity and lifestyle quality for their children. “The single mother lives with the competing priorities of earning money and providing caring services to their children” (Bronnimann). To provide some aid to single parents, the government requires for the noncustodial parent to pay what is known as Child Support. Child support is a payment that the noncustodial parent must pay to make up for the financial costs he or she would need to contribute to the child or children to support their lifestyle. However often times the noncustodial parent does not earn a large enough income to pay a significant amount of child support. In some cases the noncustodial parent may be unemployed and unable to contribute at all. Children coming fr...
Anxiety is an emotion; it is the feeling of fear and uneasiness about some future event or a situation. Anxiety differs from fear as it is not due to a danger in present but a feeling of threat to the future or certain situation soon to arrive in life. It leads to imminent feelings of dread over events. The people facing anxiety have uneasiness, fear in certain situations that makes them withdraw from every place that seems to trigger the same feeling again. Anxiety can be both short term and long term, when experienced frequently; the person can be suffering from Anxiety Disorder. Anxiety disorder can be genetic, withdrawal due to drug use etc.
The most important issue about this situation is money. In a single parent home, the parents have to make sure the rents paid,