Homelessness Prevention

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Homelessness has become a problem in the city of Cincinnati. Many families are homeless because of job layoffs and exhausted unemployment benefits. Some employed families but do not earn enough wages to support a family and pay for adequate housing. Some people just plain refuse to pay their rent, as a result, the family will receive an eviction from their dwelling and because of the eviction, either they cannot obtain affordable housing under low income status or can’t afford the market rent, therefore they become homeless. Young single mothers can receive welfare benefits (Aid for Dependent Children) for 36 months. During that time they are suppose to be furthering their education or preparing to go to work. If neither is accomplished, the mother will receive medical for the children and food stamps only. If the family is not residing in subsidized housing they may have to stay with family members or seek emergency shelter. According to the Drop Inn center in Cincinnati, Ohio, more than half of the mentally ill is seeking shelter, mostly because they have no advocate (case manager) to make sure their rent is paid. The result is an eviction from the dwelling.

I will discuss the solutions as primary and secondary preventive strategies. First, the stable families with the layoffs, low wages, and unemployment benefit exhaustion, will have an assessment to make sure the situation has not escalated to other problems such as abuse. Next, I think the eligible families should have an opportunity to own their own homes. A nonprofit organization founded by Christians called Habitat for Humanity International. Their goal is to eliminate homelessness and poverty homelessness nationwide by building houses with the help of the...

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...each month with rents automatically deducted. If they do not have any finances, then it will be up to the advocate or case manager to ensure the person apply at an appropriate government establishment to receive some type of income. The same policy should be adhered to regarding the mentally ill person who is homeless and seeking shelter. The shelter must follow the same rules as the mental institution. The mental person should also have a monthly evaluation to make sure plans are effective.

I think donations, community agencies and government agencies should fund the above programs. When homeless mothers and the mentally ill persons show signs that they will become homeless the above plans should come into effect. The funding should come from donates, community agencies and governmental services with the help of negotiating advocates to regulate these services.

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