Holy Spirit Research Paper

794 Words2 Pages

In this essay, we will be going through an explanation of the diagram given in the first question in the second assignment. We will be explaining what the diagram means, and represents, and how the Holy Spirit worked and was present throughout Jesus's life in the Bible.

a. Conception
The diagram represents the working of the Holy Spirit throughout Jesus's life in the New Testament, starting from Jesus's birth, His life, death and resurrection. The diagram starts off with the connection of Jesus as found in Luke 1:35 and Matthew 1:18. In the conception of Jesus, an angel appeared to Marry and told her that she will bear a Son Luke 1:35). In Matthew 1:18 we also learn that Jesus had no human father, so the Holy Spirit caused Jesus to born without sin. After Jesus's baptism Matthew 3:17 - 4:1) Jesus was filled and led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1), and was then tempted by the devil for 40 days and Jesus fasted (Luke 4:2). We learn …show more content…

a. Sealing
Jesus did a lot of miracles after He was sealed with the Holy Spirit, and knew the ministry to what God has called Him to. The Holy Spirit was not used to entertain people, or draw people closer to God for the wrong reasons, we can learn this as when Jesus denied to show miracles to the Pharisees after they wanted to see a sign, but Jesus knew their hearts( Matthew 16:1 ).

b. Leading.
The Holy Spirit often led Jesus to do some of the miracles that He worked, which often resulted in teaching us lessons or life principles, such as when Jesus healed the blind man in John 9:25. In Luke 10:20-21, we can learn several things of the Holy Spirit in Jesus's life. We can learn that spirits are subject to us, and that our names are written in the book of life (Luke 10:20) and sealed for redemption (John 6:27, Ephesians 4:30).

c. Rejoicing.
Joy often came through the Holy Spirit with thankfulness (Luke 10:21. The Holy Spirit helped Jesus to speak in power (Luke 4:35-36).


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