Holiday Travel Essay

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Be safe when holiday travel is the worst

Working during the holidays isn’t always an enjoyable prospect. When your office chair is the front seat of a semi-truck driving through holiday traffic, it can be an even tougher pill to swallow.
But frustration aside, these weekends aren’t just the most heavily traveled on our roads and highways, they’re also the deadliest. So it’s of the utmost importance that commercial drivers be alert, aware and safe during holidays such as Memorial Day and July Fourth.
According to AAA Travel, the brutal winter we all just endured is going to set the stage for more travel than usual because everyone’s eager to get out, have fun and see friends and family. AAA is predicting a 1.5 percent increase in travel compared to last year, meaning “36.1 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more,” during the holiday weekend, and eight in 10 of those travelers will be driving.
That’s even with the uptick in gasoline prices.
Having that many people on the road leads to some ugly statistics. The National Safety Council reports that traffic deaths over the Mem...

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