Compare And Contrast Winter And Driving In Montana

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As I was driving back home from visiting family in Noxon, Montana, it was a very sunny and pleasant drive in the mountains of Western Montana. But little did I know that shortly after I pass Missoula there would be an awful howling snow storm! The kind that is so white that it blinds your eyes if you stare into it for too long. The storm brought back warm memories of summer in Montana. Memories of driving on nice roads. When I was driving in that storm, the roads were ice covered the majority of my 600 miles home! The roads were so bad that there were semi trucks all over the ditch, that had slid off the icy interstate. But me, white knuckled, and strained eyes, I kept driving; no faster than 55 mph. There is a night and day difference between driving in the winter in Montana and driving in the summer. For instance, in the summer you have to watch out for a lot more wildlife than in the winter, because it is much warmer so therefore they are more likely to travel. And there's other things as well, such as, for people like me who drive a pickup truck we have to put weight in our beds in the winter for driving on icy roads. The reason for that is, if we didn't have at least 400 pounds in the …show more content…

But there is beauty both winter and summer driving. In the summer you can enjoy the colors of spring and fall, winter you can enjoy the frost bitten trees and the frozen crystal glazed rivers. But, of course the important part is being a safe driver. If you take precautions you should be fine. I enjoy driving both conditions. I have seen accidents more numerous in winter, but when you are in an accident, it can be just as dangerous in the summer as in the winter, just not as likely. The main thing to remember is to, drive with caution, use common since, keep your eyes on the road, know your surroundings, and never use electronics while you

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