Hobby Lobby Case Study

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Hobby Lobby is fighting up the Supreme Court ladder to ensure that they do not have to provide contraception coverage to its many employees in their 560 different stores across the United States. Hobby Lobby is a company that has been very public in all of its years in business about their religious beliefs being the foundation of the company. Hobby Lobby’s mission statement can be found on their website. It explicitly states that they believe God has been faithful to them in the past and will continue to do so in the future and because of that they will honor the Lord in all that they do by standing by biblical principles. Hobby Lobby does not believe that they should have to partake in the Affordable Care Act because it requires all companies involved to offer their employees healthcare plans that cover a multitude of things, including full coverage of contraceptives. As a company, they believe that paying for free contraceptives for their employees is compromising their religious beliefs. Regardless of their religious beliefs, Hobby Lobby may not necessarily have the right to d...

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