Hitler Youth: Genocide In Germany

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Genocide in Germany Genocide in Germany, beginning in 1938, caused a historic recognition for people today. The leader, Adolf Hitler, had many ideas on how to eliminate the jews promptly or fatally. Hitler and his terror spread all throughout Europe leaving a devastating trail of destruction in his wake. Hitler and his team of Nazi used propoganda and mass murder to increase their support and as a way to eliminate the unwanted people of Germany.
“Mein Kampf”, an autobiography written by Adolf Hitler, expressed his political ideas and plans for future Germany. With “Mein Kampf”, “A dual polemic about personal failure and national humiliation written in the disastrous wake of World War I, Hitler left little doubt that his shortcomings as …show more content…

The name later changed to The Hitler Youth in 1929, with over 108,000 members by 1932. At this point the program was for boys, girls, and young women. The main goal of Hitler Youth was to politically indoctrinate and physically harden the youth of Germany. The tasks at the camp were military based, with activities like hard physical training, camping trips, terrain sports, shooting practice, rowing, and glider flying. These activities hardened the children of Germany to be the little soldiers that Hitler wanted. Preparing them the battle that would exterminate the unwanted people of …show more content…

By 1939 there were a total of six camps including Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Flossenburg, and Ravensbruck. Later Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Belzec were created, these were different from the concentration camps, these were death camps. These camps were created for one specific reason, to make the process of killing off “the enemies” faster and easier. These people went through starvation, beatings, harsh treatment, and illness, if that did not kill them they were disposed of in different ways. They disposed of them by execution, beatings, or the “showers”. In the showers they would lock as many people as they could in an airtight space and gas them killing as many people as they could at once. Between 1.1 million and 1.5 million people were killed at Auschwitz, at Treblinka about 750,000,900,00 were murdered, and at least 600,000 at

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