Historical Accuracy Of Lincoln The Movie By Steven Spielberg

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When thinking of the most important men in US history, Abraham Lincoln is someone who will always be brought up. Lincoln is most known for saving the Union and writing the Emancipation Proclamation. Because of this, he is remembered as a hero and one of the most respected presidents in the United States’ history. Often times when looking back on respected historical figures, there can be a tendency to misremember things or omit details to cement the figure into the legacy we want to remember. Hollywood is especially notorious for creating films “based on a true story,” but are heavily altered for the sake of the film’s plot. This leads to the question, is Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln” a historically accurate representation of Lincoln, or is it Hollywood misremembering details, or adding their own plot lines? The easy answer to this question is yes, “Lincoln” is accurate in portraying Lincoln as a man, and summarizing the events that transpired during his election. From Lincoln’s personal relationships with his wife, Marry, his sons, and close advisors to civil war and the 13th amendment, the movie goes into detail and accurately portrays what Lincoln did, how he did it, and the effects of what he did. Spielberg’s “Lincoln” is a movie and not a documentary, so some things are …show more content…

Lincoln sits calmly and listens while waxing his shoes, but never directly acknowledging his sons request. The National Portrait Gallery explains that “…mysteriousness is the key to his character and personality. Lincoln, with a supreme confidence of himself and an almost providential sense of his personal mission, was incredibly adroit in his ability to adapt to circumstances and shape events,” (Mask of Lincoln, n.d.). This confidence and mysteriousness is accurately portrayed throughout the

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