Hippocampus Integrates

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When diagnosed with probable Alzheimer's disease the effect of plagues and tangles are now starting to be seen in many ways including, memory loss in which individuals may have trouble learning new information and consistently ask the same question multiple times, along with disorientation which is an indication that the Hippocampus is being affected by plagues and tangles. The Hippocampus is usually one of the first areas affected by the disease (Brayne, 2014). Once the disease spreads to the Hypothalamus some of the symptoms that may become evident are functions that are effected by different hormones such as, hunger, sleep, temperature regulation, sex drive and mood swings (Baloyannis, Mavroudis, Mitilineos, Baloyannis & Costa, 2014). Finally, the amygdala which is in the same area as the hippocampus and hypothalamus. The amygdala is mainly controls the emotions and as such damage or deterioration of the amygdala such as experienced with the onset of Alzheimers disease can lead to emotional instability which can induce effects such as anxiety, sadness, stress, anger and paranoia (LOOI & SACHDEV, 2000) found that at least eighty percent of Alzheimer's patients experience symptoms that can be directly related to deterioration of the amygdala. After these symptoms have developed the disease …show more content…

Alzheimer’s disease gradually and continually damages the frontal lobe as the disease advances. As such, complex tasks such as driving, cooking, or advanced planning may become severely impaired by Alzheimer’s. Moreover, the impairment Alzheimer’s inflicts upon the frontal lobe may also result in the loss of motivation or drive, subsequently resulting in sluggishness and laziness. The damage that is caused by Alzheimer’s disease can create an ongoing loss of inhibition and impulsive behavior (George, Whitfield & Walker,

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