Hinduism and Marriage

773 Words2 Pages

Hinduism and Marriage

In a hindu marriage the words and action means more than just words.

It is a guide for the rest of the life.


According to Hinduism, a marriage between two persons is a sacred

relationship that is not limited to this life alone. It extends across

seven or more lives, during which the couple help each other progress

spiritually. The adage that marriages are made in heaven is very much

true in case of Hinduism. Two souls come together and marry because

their karmas are intertwined and they have to resolve many things

together upon earth in order to ensure their mutual salvation.

The relationship between a couple is essentially a relationship of the

souls. It is not necessary that their gender roles are fixed for ever.

Some times they may switch roles and the husband may become the wife

and the wife the husband. Sometimes they may also temporarily part

their ways and come together again after one or two lives in a grand


Marriage in Hinduism is a sacred relationship. Hindu marriage

tradition recognizes seven different types of marriage, ranging from

the popularly known arranged marriages to the extremely rare and

forced marriages through abduction. Generally most of the marriages

are arranged with the consent of the bride and the bridegroom and the

blessings of the elders. Caste, family background, financial status of

the groom, appearance and character of the bride and the bridegroom,

the willingness of the parents are some important considerations in

arranged marriages.

Love marriages are on the increase, but there is ...

... middle of paper ...

...cred relationship, between two

souls, not just two bodies.

2. Hindus believe that the marriage relationship extends beyond one


3. In the traditional marriage, the bride and the bridegroom are

considered as divinities. The bride is first married to gods and then

placed under the bridegroom's protection as a gift from gods.

4. At the time of marriage, the bridegroom ties a sacred thread around

the bride's neck and accepts her hand (panigrahanam.) in marriage.

Then they both take seven steps (saptapadi) together around the fire

uttering vows of friendship and mutual loyalty.

5. Hindu marriage tradition recognizes the importance of a woman in

the family. She is expected to share the responsibilities of the

household like a goddess (grihalakshmi) and enjoy the love and care of

her husband and children.

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