Highlander Early Start Program Analysis

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I come from Madera, a small town located in the northern California. It is approximately four and a half hours from Riverside. When selecting what college I wanted to attend, I did not pay attention to the distance, I just thought of what they offered and if I liked the campus. Anxious to start college early, I decided to apply to the Highlander Early Start Program. I did not expect to get in because I heard that not everyone got into the program due to the limited amount of professors teaching for the program. It was a hot summer day in early July. I never checked my R’Mail, but for some reason I decided to check it, and when I opened it I saw on email from the Early Start Program informing me about my acceptance to the Program. It was that day that my life changed because I was going to start college early.. At first I was filled with joy and excitement …show more content…

Reality hit me once I had to pack all my important belongings such as my cloths and room utilities. Once I started to gather everything, I felt weird because I only had a limit of two suit cases to pack all of my essentials.While packing I started thinking of the times I had been far from home but could not think of one because I had never left my house, only for vacations but I would go with my parents so I was technically not away alone. I started to get mixed feelings because I had never been far from home without my family. The farthest I had ever been was my grandparents house which was only about an hour and a half away. Unlike many of my peers that just wanted to go to college so that they could move out from their parents house, my situation was not the same. Just thinking that I would be more than two hundred miles away from home gave me a feeling of sadness because this meant I

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