High School Sports Research Paper

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Athletics are of extreme popularity in the United States of America and have provided so many lifelong benefits to people who have participated in them. This is why it is necessary for parents to consider these benefits when raising their children. By encouraging their children to get involved in sports at a young age, parents can make a huge impact on their child’s future. From scholarships to make college affordable, to a healthier lifestyle, every child can benefit from participating in sports.
Athletics are one of the most value yet underrated aspects in a young person’s life. Not only do athletes learn the importance of responsibility and dependability while playing a sport, they also learn skills such as coping with failure, perseverance, and teamwork. One can be educated in just as many life skills playing sports as sitting in a classroom. Without a second thought, parents should highly encourage their children to participate in sports. Younger children do not fully understand yet the benefits of being involved in competitive sports. At this age, they are just beginning to discover what their true passions are. Therefore, it is the obligation of the parents to introduce sports into the lives of their children.
"There are lots of benefits to being …show more content…

Athletics are more than just a fun time spending with friends; athletics go far in life and prepare young children for the future. In the article, "Kids and Team Sports: Should Parents Push Their Children to Play Sports," John McCormick says, "Learning to compete prepares a child for the demands of teenage and adult life, including the ability to cope with both success and failure."(.....) Sports are unlike anything else in the world, it is truly remarkable how beneficial sports can be on the fitness and well-being of an individual, while also preparing that individual for life in the real world outside of

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