High Context Essay

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High context
According to anthropologist Edward T. Hall’s theory, high context cultures are “relational, collectivist, intuitive, and contemplative” which emphasize interpersonal relationships. The people within these cultures are more concerned about the emotional aspects rather than the rational. When explaining high context words aren’t significant however, aspects which include; the speaker’s tone of voice, body language and even the individual’s history and social status are may be relevant. High-context communication tends to be more indirect and more formal. Extravagant language, humbleness, and elegant act of remorse are typical.
Low context
According to anthropologist Edward T. Hall’s theory low context is associated with being logical, direct and distinctive. Individuals within low-context cultures tend to value reason, facts, and sharpness. Issues within this culture are resolved once the facts have been faced and assessed individually the results are constructed on fact rather than sensitivity. Communication is likely to be direct, brief, and effectual to clearly outline what action is to be taken. In high-context cultures individuals depend less on language accuracy and authorized documents, whereas low context involves the use of rational content and based on facts.
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