The year 2012 was not only memorable to physicists for its breakthroughs, which include the galaxy motion cluster, neutrino-based communication or the method to see through opaque materials. But it is memorable because 2012 was the year that the physicists working in the Large Hadron Collider announced the detection of the Higgs boson particle.
The Higgs Boson particle was hypothesized by a British physicist named Peter Higgs more than 50 years ago because of the undetermined origin of mass to known particles made the assignment of mass extremely difficult and made mathematical equations inconsistent (Exploratorium, 2012). The Higgs Boson particle was supposed to complete the standard model of particle physics and break the electroweak symmetry during the initial moments of the Big Bang (Cho, 2012). The Higgs boson particle was one of the main research experiments of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a particle accelerator with a circumference of 27 kilometers (CERN, 2008). However, after hitting mainstream, the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle reveals its significance not only as the particle nicknamed as the god particle but also as the particle that was named as the breakthrough of 2012 through its significance in the field of Physics. This paper aims to describe the significance of the Higgs Boson particle to the standard model, the Higgs field, and the electroweak symmetry breaking.
The understanding that matter was composed of atoms was changed with the discovery of smaller particles than the atoms, which are protons, neutrons, and electrons. But during the 1960’s, the multitude of particles being discovered was making the understanding that matter is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons, insufficient. Murray Ge...
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... ultimately the universe's high temperature. The significance of the Higgs field to the particles is its mass. Mass actually has two parts. The first part is the rest mass, which is the mass of the particle obtained from its interaction with the Higgs field. The other part is the potential energy with its interaction with other fields like gravitational field and electromagnetic field, which equals to an increment in its mass by the theory of relativity (Golli, 2012 ). Theorist propose the idea that the rest mass being generated by the Higgs field varies for various particles relation to the proportion of the amount of Higgs Boson particles it couples with during its interaction with the Higgs field. Therefore, the masses of the particles show the amount of Higgs it coupled with. The heavier a particle is, denotes that the more it interacted with a Higgs boson.
In 1803 this theory was finalised and stated that (1) all matter is made up of the smallest possible particles termed atoms, (2) atoms of a given element have unique characteristics and weight, and (3) three types of atoms exist: simple (elements), compound (simple molecules), and complex (complex molecules).
An atom, by definition, is the smallest part of any substance. The atom has three main components that make it up: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are within the nucleus in the center of the atom. The electrons revolve around the nucleus in many orbitals. These orbitals consist of many different shapes, including circular, spiral, and many others.
The cathode ray tube was invented in 1875 by the name of Sir Williams Crooke. Yet he wasn’t the one to make the big discovery. In 1897, a man by the name of J.J. Thompson conducted a series of experiments to prove the existence of subatomic particles. He wasn’t 100% correct with all of his claims he made but broke the theory John Dalton stated that the smallest form matter could be broken down to was an atom. Having shown the world that there was smaller than an atom, it later caused others to question and dive even deeper.
The next year he assembled a group of some of the best theoretical physicists in the country to
In 1864, James Clerk Maxwell revolutionized physics by publishing A Treatise On Electricity And Magnetism (James C. Maxwell,, in which his equations described, for the first time, the unified force of electromagnetism (Stewart, Maxwell’s Equations), and how the force would influence objects in the area around it (Dine, Quantum Field Theory). Along with other laws such as Newton’s Law Of Gravitation, it formed the area of physics called classical field theory (Classical Field Theory, Wikipedia). However, over the next century, quantum mechanics were developed, leading to the realization that classical field theory, though thoroughly accurate on a macroscopic scale, simply would not work at a quantum, or subatomic scale, due to the extremely different behaviour of elementary particles. Scientists began developing a new ideas that would describe the behaviour of subatomic particles when subjected to the fundamental forces (QFT, Columbia Electronic Dictionary)(QFT, Britannica School). Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which states that the speed of light is always constant and as a result, both space and time are, in contrary, relative, was combined into this new theory, allowing for accurate descriptions of elementary
In the theory now presented by the author, the long sought graviton particle is viewed as the 'Spent' or residual, low energy particle arising from the proton/neutron/electron exponential decay process. This decay represents the energy required to support th...
Sub-atomic particles, known as quarks, electrons, photons, and neutrinos were strewn across expanding space. Equal amounts of matter and antimatter particles began to collide and annihilate each other. Gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces, and electromagnetic forces soon came into play.
When people think of comparison and likeness, they rapidly jump to immediate observations and obvious detections. They fail to perceive the more imperative and subtle attributes. Whether anybody knows it or not, everything that inhabits the world and even the universe is alike in at least one way. All of these substances contain matter. Matter is the physical substance which encompasses everything, from dusty nebulas to the food on one’s dinner plate. It can be described as anything that has mass and takes up space. Within this matter are infinitesimal particles called atoms. So far, they are what scientists believe to be the smallest part of anything and can even be synthesized in labs (Oxlade 7.) The knowledge scientists possess of atoms is huge, in contrast to their microscopic size. In fact, modern day scientists would not have even obtained this knowledge if preceding chemists and physicists did not unveil what was covered. They paved the way to the vast expansion of awareness and allowed the atom to be seen in its true form. However, these impeccable discoveries did not spawn from a single human being, but rather from a chronological timeline of coincidental events.
The theory of quantum mechanics has divided the atom into a number of fundamental sub-atomic particles. Although the physicist has shown that the atom is not a solid indivisible object, he has not been able to find a particle which does possess those qualities. Talk of particles, though, is misleading because the word suggests a material object. This is not the intention for the use of the word in quantum physics. Quantum particles are, instead, representations of the actions and reactions of forces at the sub-atomic level. In fact, physicists are less concerned with the search for a material particle underlying all physical objects and more interested in explaining how nature works. Quantum theory is the means that enables the physicist to express those explanations in a scientific way. this book should be included with all works that hold a high literary merit. This book appeals to a wide scope of people; it relates the complicated aspects of physics in a manner that can be understood by much of the general public. More than that, this novel gives the reader a glimpse into Feynman himself. The reader can now see how he thinks and functions, additionally, it allows the reader to preview what it may have been like to be in one of Feynman’s classes. This man is considered a modern day genius, and just the chance to further see what he is actually like, is something that allows for this book to be valued more highly.
Particle accelerators are considered hallmark of human technological advancement. Colliding subatomic particles in high energies, particle accelerators have brought dramatic paradigm shift in our understanding of the universe. Accelerators generally collide energetic particles together and look for the change in the energy of the system. This measurement of energy in colliding particles plays a vital role in the understanding of the events occurring inside the particle accelerators. Understanding the effect of particle accelerator in the human society is incomplete without the discussion of the energies that are involved in the accelerators.
Fowler, Michael. “Modern Physics.” Lecture. Mass and Energy. 1 Mar. 2008. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.
Spring, K. R., & Davidson, M. W. (2016, 05 17). Light: Particle or a Wave? Retrieved from Physics of Light and Color:
In the final analysis, quantum specimens both conceptual, entity, and particles are what sustain human life. Without some time of mystery and amusement humans would never seek to make innovations. Without innovations society would begin to stagnate into a pig sty of rituals. If one society were to collapse, then others would soon follow. This collapse of society is the true Armageddon, the failure of all supernatural quanta to act with normal quanta. Hence the important of quantum physics, it is necessary for life, society, and humanity.
The Big Bang Theory is the most logical and tested explanation for the universe. Scientists believe the universe began 13.7 billion years ago, when the universe exploded outward at ten billion Kelvin. Surprisingly, scientists believe the universe was smaller than an electron before it exploded. Also, the zone in which the big bang occurred doesn’t follow the common rules of physics. This is known as a singularity, which are believed to exist only in black holes. Sadly, scientists know very little about singularities because of their complexity and difficulty to study. Luckily, The Hadron Collider, a massive machine, has the capability to recreate a miniature big bang, which would allow scientists to study