Energy as Matter
Energy is an odd concept, it is something that is neither here nor there yet has a profound impact on everything, both organic and inorganic. However, energy surrounds us in more ways than is commonly believed; it is possible that matter is only a form of energy. In fact, according to Albert Einstein, matter and energy are different forms of the same thing (“Do Antimatter and Matter Destroy Each Other?”). Through analyzing the superposition of bosons (particles without mass) and fermions (particles with mass), transformations between energy and matter, the creation of mass, and the mass of energy, the existence of what humans consider to be matter will be questioned.
Matter takes up space. According to the defining characteristics of matter and energy, matter can only be located in one location at any point in time while the superposition of energy is possible (Nave). Due to only being able to occupy one location, the phenomenon of two particles of mass occupying the same space would disprove that matter is different than energy (“What is Matter?”). When positrons (positively charged electrons) and electrons, which are both fermions, collide they undergo a process known as electron-positron annihilation (“Electron-Positron Annihilation”). The process of electron-positron annihilation results in both particles producing photons. The production of photons introduces an interesting variable when defining the existence of mass: photons, which are also classified as bosons, can experience superposition (Strassler). However, the production of non-matter particles on its own does not disprove the existence of mass.
Matter is energy (Fernflores 1). The fact that electron-positron interactions can either produce photons or...
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“Electron-Positron Annihilation.” Princeton University, n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.
Fernflores, Francisco. “The Equivalence of Mass and Energy.” Stanford University, 12 Sept. 2001. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.
Fowler, Michael. “Modern Physics.” Lecture. Mass and Energy. 1 Mar. 2008. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.
Gibbs, Philip. “Does Light Have Mass?” Does Light Have Mass? The Physics and Relativity FAQ, 1997. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.
Nave, R. “Mass, Weight, Density.” Reading. HyperPhysics. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.
O’Luanaigh, Cian. “New Results Indicate That New Particle Is a Higgs Boson.” European Council for Nuclear Research, 14 Mar. 2013. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.
Strassler, Matthew. “Fermions And Bosons.” Of Particular Significance. WordPress, 12 Aug. 2011. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.
“What Is Matter.” New York University, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013.
Einstein's equation "E=mc^2" has two sides which is constructive and destructive. The constructive side is when energy is converted into mass and the destructive side is when a small amount of mass is converted into energy. According to Einstein’s equation, the physicists of the Manhattan project hypothesized that a minute mass ...
Aristotle, R. P. Hardie, and R. K. Gaye. Physics. Adelaide: The University of Adelaide Library, 2000. Print.
Some collisions are successful and give a product while others don't. because particles don't have enough energy. Activation energy - The amount of energy needed for the reaction to be. started. I am a naysayer.
First, special relativity describes the laws of motion of an object which moves at high speed. Meanwhile it offered the mass-energy relation which is E=mc^2 (E=energy m=mass c=speed of light). Although Einstein didn’t believe in quantum mechanics2, his mass-energy relation still helped in the establishment of it. Also this relation built the mathematical model ...
In the 1920s the new quantum and relativity theories were engaging the attentions of science. That mass was equivalent to energy and that matter could be both wavelike and corpuscular carried implications seen only dimly at that time. Oppenheimer's early research was devoted in particular to energy processes of subatomic particles, including electrons, positrons, and cosmic rays. Since quantum theory had been proposed only a few years before, the university post provided him an excellent opportunity to devote his entire career to the exploration and development of its full significance. In addition, he trained a whole generation of U.S. physicists, who were greatly affected by his qualities of leadership and intellectual independence.
The author tells of how waves are effected by quantum mechanic. He also discusses the fact that electromagnetic radiation, or photons, are actually particles and waves. He continues to discuss how matter particles are also matter, but because of their h bar, is so small, the effects are not seen. Green concludes the quantum mechanics discussion by talking about the uncertainty principle.Chapter 5: The need for a New Theory: General Relativity vs.
In the article,"Energy Story", it tells you all about basic energy and how scientists found out how it works. It tells you about each part of an electron and what part is what. The center is called the Nucleus. Electrons and atoms move together to create what is known as electricity. Atoms and electrons flow through an object
In conclusion of this paper you know now about the Law of Conservation, Energy and Photosynthesis of science these are what will happen during the observations and examining the causes and effects of them now you also know you can not create or destroy energy but energy and matter can be moved from one spot to another with the help of something else like YOU! You can move matter with your energy it, you have energy and there matter happening around you somewhere right
1 David Halliday, Robert Resnick, and Jearl Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Extended, 5th ed. (NewYork:Wiley, 1997) 361 theory that matter is conserved. Although its form may change, acquire something new and lose something it previously held the primarily essential matter involved in the change remains a constant variable.
Rosenblum, Bruce, and Fred Kuttner. "Chapter 4: Our Newtonian Worldview." Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008. 23-37. Print.
Antimatter is exactly what the name suggests. It is the opposite of matter in which the charges associated with electrons and protons are switched. This means a proton and antiproton are attracted to each other. When they collide pane energy is produced in the form of three pions and four gamma rays.
American Institute of Physics. Vol. 1051 Issue 1 (2008). Academic Search Premier.> 224.
Fleisher, Paul. Matter and Energy: Principles of Matter and Thermodynamics. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications, 2002.
University of Delaware, Science and Technology Quotations, [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed: 5th April 2014].