Hestia Research Paper

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Have you ever thought about what would make the perfect employee? Have you wondered who that person might be? What traits do you consider when thinking of the perfect employee? Many employers wonder about these questions day after day, searching through countless different potentials, but as time passes the idea of the ideal employee becomes harder and harder to find. Don’t throw away countless hours searching, and hire Hestia today. Hestia would be the ideal candidate for the job therapist because she is centered, calm, and helpful. One significant reason Hestia’s ideal job would be a therapist is because she is whole within herself and mentally centered. She is very centered, and this character trait can be seen in a large quantity of her myths. She also known as “the complete goddess, the goddess who is whole, one complete within herself”(“The Goddess Hestia”). Hestia has always been mentally stable around others, which can be seen clearly. Hestia is also known for her amazing perspective on life. Many would observe that Hestia has “uncanny perspective and insight”(Escher 1). A person who is whole within themselves would have to be able to understand aspects of life around them. Therapists are based around insight, and being able to give insight is imperative. Clients would start to recommend her, and that would result in maximized profit. When provided with complicated clients, she would be able to give valued insight to them, improving their outlook. …show more content…

Many would concur that Hestia is “peaceful, serene, dignified, and calm”(“Hestia: Goddess of the Hearth”). A peaceful state must be maintained in this area of work, since therapy is a very calming and relaxing practice. Therapists must help their patients’ state of mind, and must be calm while doing so they do not hinder their client. Hestia is the perfect contender for the job therapist since she is

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