Henry Ford

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TA: Mark Lemming Joe Richard Tutorial 5 B00608594 Reproduction The Emulation of the Assembly Line The application of Henry Ford’s assembly line has greatly affected the world of business, manufacturing and consumer output; it has greatly lowered production costs and vastly increased product efficiency output. Henry Ford’s success with the assembly line has been emulated by other industries. Although originally designed for the manufacturing and construction of cars, the assembly line has been implemented in very different industries such as hospitals, restaurants and agriculture. This implementation revolutionized the way company ran: there was faster product output, there was no need for skilled craftsmen anymore, there was a much more efficient use of space and the mass production of objects caused products to be sold at a much lower cost. Henry Ford was born July 30, 1863, Greenfield Township, Wayne County, Michigan. Contrarily to general belief, Henry Ford did not invent the car or the assembly line; he merely implemented them to a large scale, which allowed him to bring mass production to a new level. Ford was also very focused on the well being of his workers along with the financial advantages. Henry Ford believed that his model would have the following advantages for workers: it provided employment for immigrants, workers would not have to do any heavy lifting, there was no special training that was essential which made almost anyone capable to do any of the tasks required (Wikipedia Foundation, 2014). The assembly line gave more job opportunities to the general public since the tasks were very simple and quick. Previous to the assembly line, a skilled craftsman would construct an ... ... middle of paper ... ... to improve time; all cutlery and plates that were served to customers were replaced by using paper bags, napkins and simple packaging that could be thrown after its use. This drastically eliminated the time and water required to wash the customers’ dishes. Henry Ford’s assembly line was designed to affect the manufacturing industry to improve efficiency, lower expenses for a company and create consistent good quality products; however other industries have adopted this technology and implemented it in different sectors such as hospitals, restaurants and agriculture. The application of the assembly line transformed the way a company operates. This technology allowed them to produce their products or services much quicker and efficiently, it allowed them to use space much more proficiently and ultimately dramatically lowered the cost of products.

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